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Osamu Sakiyama, Fubito Endo, Honore Watanabe, Fumiko Sasama. Panel discussion I: Problem of documentation Lectures on Endangered Languages: 4. (With Marina Khasanova, Michael Krauss, Christian Lehmann, Toshihide Nakayama, Irina Nikolaeva, and George van Driem) From Kyoto Conference 2001 -, 111-142. 大阪学院大学. 2004
Osamu Sakiyama, Fubito Endo, Honore Watanabe, Fumiko Sasama. Lectures on Endangered Languages: 4. Training (young students) in field research.From Kyoto Conference 2001 -, 91-102. 大阪学院大学. 2004
Basic materials in minority languages 2002 (Part 2). (Endangered Languages of the Pacific Tim, 2002, B008) 大阪学院大学. 2002
Basic materials in minority languages 2002. (Endangered Languages of the Pacific Rim, 2002 B003) 大阪学院大学. 2002
Voice and grammatical relations: In honor of Masayoshi Shibatani. (Typological Studies in Language Vol. 65) Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins
Language endangerment and language revitalization
An introduction. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter. (Paperback) 2006
Language endangerment and language revitalization.
Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter. (Hard cover) 2005
A provisional Warrungu dictionary (ICHEL Linguistic Studies Vol.8)
東京大学大学院人文社会系研究科 2003