J-GLOBAL ID:201101098235849433
Update date: Feb. 01, 2024
Hiromi Mizunaga
ミズナガ ヒロミ | Hiromi Mizunaga
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Specially appointed Professor
Research field (1):
Forest science
Research keywords (3):
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
- 2014 - 2020 Process model to determine the patch size without weeding operation. Micro-climate in thickets and the competition among plants
- 2016 - なぜ多層林は風害に強いのか?葉分布構造の変化履歴と樹木振動工学・風力学の統合
- 2011 - 2015 Does the fragmentation of canopy in tropical forests promote the mortality of canopy trees? The mechanism of gap expansion.
- 2011 - 2014 Effect of complexity in geography and canopy structure on wind environment over forest ecosystem. Application of CFD on evaluation of forest management scenario.
- 2008 - 2011 Scenario in canopy gap creation and re-closure for reducing wind-damage risks. The linkage of CFD and canopy dynamics
- 2005 - 2007 着葉分布の不均一性の評価:林冠構造の複雑さは森林のガス代謝にどの程度影響するか?
- 1998 - 2002 The studies on the inducing development of natural-forest-type stands from conifer plantations
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Papers (39):
Tsubasa Takano, Yohsuke Kominami, Hiromi Mizunaga. Do Coarser GapMosaics in Conifer Plantations Induce More Seed Dispersal by Birds? Temporal Changes during 12 Years after Gap Creation. Forests. 2019. 10. 918. 1-15
T. Mochizuki, Dokrak Marod, Dang Thinh Trieu, Hiromi Mizunaga. Interspecific differences in the hierarchical cluster structure of leaves withon tree crowns in Indochina. Tropics. 2018. 27. 1-24
Yoshihiko Tashiro-Uchimura, Hiromi Mizunaga. Dynamics of remaining amount and vertical distribution of a Cryptomeria japonica needle litter created by non-commercial thinning. Jpn J For Environ. 2017. 59. 1. 13-25
責任著者, Tsuyoshi Yoneda, 共著者]Mizunaga Hiromi, Wan Rashida. Spatial variations in the net ecosystem productivity of a primeval 1 tropical forest in a 50-ha plot in Pasoh, Peninsular Malaysia. Tropics. 2017. 26. 1. 1-15
責任著者]Mizunafa Hiromi, Tsunoda Yuuki, 共著者]Furukawa Shouko. How does the longevity of Sasa kurilensis ramets respond to a light gradient? An analysis of ontogenetic changes to hydraulic resistance and carbon budget within a ramet. Ecological Research. 2017. 32. 2. 117-128
MISC (4):
Yuuki Tsunoda, Kano Ozawa, Yuki Katoh, Hiromi Mizunaga. The water transportation within a clonal-fragments of Sasa kurilensis in different light environments -Can understory ramets function as water source to ramets in gaps?-. Jpn J For Environ. 2019. in press. 2. 69-83
責任著者, Kenji Kitagawa, Hiromi Mizunaga, 共著者]S. Iwama, S. Fukui, Y. Sunaoka, H. Yazawa, A. Usami. Effects of components of the leaf area distribution on drag relations for Cryptomeria japonica and Chamaecyparis obtusa. European Journal of Forest Research. 2015. 134. 3. 403-414
水永 博己. 分布南限のブナ個体群(総説). 森林技術. 2005. 759. 20-23
水永 博己. 間伐後の林冠動態予測. 水利科学. 1997. 41. 2. 17-31
Books (1):
Lectures and oral presentations (31):
Does complexity of leaf arrangement moderate the impact of drought stress?
(10th In IUFRO 1.05 2016)
Mixture of Species In Thickets Affects Penetrated Light Fleck
(9th IUFRO1.05 Uneven-aged Silviculture 2014)
Leaves for Flexibility in Silviculture: Leaf-Distribution as a Tool for Evaluating Diverse Silvicultural Operations 9th IUFRO1.05 Uneven-aged Silviculture
(9th IUFRO1.05 Uneven-aged Silviculture 2014)
Light performance for the growth of Q.acuta seedlings in shrub vegetation developed in opening of Japanese cypress plantation
(IUFRO international conference on uneven-aged silviculture 2012)
The natural factors to decide gap mosaic design for conversion from monoculture even-aged conifer plantation to uneven-aged mixed forests in Japanaese warm temperate zone
(8th IUFRO international conference on uneven-aged silviculture 2012)
Professional career (1):
Awards (4):
- 2019/03 - 森林立地学会 森林立地学会誌論文賞 Dynamics of remaining amount and vertical distribution of a Cryptomeria japonica needle litter created by non-commercial thinning
- 2013/08 - 計測自動制御学会 SICE計測部門論文賞
- 2009/12 - 日本政府観光局 平成21年度国際会議・開催貢献賞・国際会議運営の部 第6回IUFRO異例林研究集会 静岡大会
- 1996/03 - 日本林業技術振興所 日本林業技術振興所(研究奨励賞)
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 緑化工学会
, 森林立地学会
, The ecological society of Japan
, The Japanese Forest Society
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