Masaya Maeda, Akito Suzuki, Kazuyuki Wada. Absence of singular continuous spectra and embedded eigenvalues for one-dimensional quantum walks with general long-range coins. Reviews in Mathematical Physics. 2022
Masaya MAEDA, Hironobu SASAKI, Etsuo SEGAWA, Akito SUZUKI, Kanako SUZUKI. Dispersive estimates for quantum walks on 1D lattice. Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan. 2022. 74. 1
Scipio Cuccagna, Masaya Maeda. Coordinates at Small Energy and Refined Profiles for the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation. Annals of PDE. 2021. 7. 2
Scipio Cuccagna, Masaya Maeda. A survey on asymptotic stability of ground states of nonlinear Schrödinger equations II. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - S. 2021. 14. 5. 1693-1693
Scipio Cuccagna, Masaya Maeda. On Nonlinear Profile Decompositions and Scattering for an NLS-ODE Model. International Mathematics Research Notices. 2020. 2020. 18. 5679-5722