Research field (2):
, Marine and maritime engineering
Research keywords (2):
Marine Instrument
, Navigation
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
2023 - 2026 広帯域計量魚群探知機による海中浮遊ごみの定量調査に向けた技術開発
2018 - 2021 超浅海域で使用可能なバーチャルモアリング用水中グライダーの開発
2016 - 2019 超小型可搬式採泥器の開発と応用
2014 - 2017 無方向性を有する海洋観測用水中グライダーの運動制御と実海域試験
2013 - 2016 Verification of hypotheses that Teuthida squids gather to artificial light for feeding
Papers (42):
Mao Kuroda, Atsuhiko Isobe, Keiichi Uchida, Tadashi Tokai, Toshihide Kitakado, Miho Yoshitake, Yoshinori Miyamoto, Tohru Mukai, Keiri Imai, Kenichi Shimizu, et al. Abundance and potential sources of floating polystyrene foam macro- and microplastics around Japan. Science of The Total Environment. 2024. 925. 171421-171421
Kenichi SHIMIZU, Kouki KUWAHARA, Moe HIWATASHI, Satoshi MASUMI, Jun UCHIDA, Takashi AOSHIMA. Characteristic for Anchorage in Nagasaki Port from the Classification of Sediment. The Journal of Japan Institute of Navigation. 2024. 149. 31-38
Keiichi Uchida, Ryuichi Hagita, Tohru Mukai, Keiri Imai, Kenichi Shimizu, Mitsuharu Yagi, Yuichi Yamanaka, Takahisa Mituhasi, Atsuhiko Isobe, Mao Kuroda. Standardization and database development of marine plastic survey in the offshore areas around Japan. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi (Japanese Edition). 2023. 89. 5. 394-397
Microplastic pollution of commercial fishes from coastal and offshore waters in southwestern Japan
(International Online Workshop on Microplastics Issues: Plastic Pollution in Asian Waters - from Land to Ocean 2022)