J-GLOBAL ID:201201025999526671
Update date: Oct. 22, 2024 Yamaguchi Shinjiro
ヤマグチ シンジロウ | Yamaguchi Shinjiro
Affiliation and department: Homepage URL (2): http://db.tohoku.ac.jp/whois/detail/29ae3233ba5820e60f97174e3d377c10.html
http://db.tohoku.ac.jp/whois/e_detail/29ae3233ba5820e60f97174e3d377c10.html Research field (2):
Bioorganic chemistry
, Plants: molecular biology and physiology
Research keywords (4):
, 生物有機化学
, 植物生理学
, 植物科学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (11): - 2020 - 2025 The prototype, and evolution, of the system which adapt plant growth to its environment through the signaling molecule, strigolactone.
- 2024 - 2025 Identification of biosynthetic genes for a novel signaling molecule that modulates plant development
- 2017 - 2022 Molecular mechanisms for the timing of the production of stem cells in plants
- 2017 - 2022 Principles of pluripotent stem cells underlying plant vitality
- 2012 - 2017 The plant cell wall as information processing system
- 2012 - 2017 Studies on the movement and functions of plant hormones in the space outside the cell
- 2012 - 2014 Studies on a strigolactone-related new hormone-like compound
- 2011 - 2014 Studies on various hormonal functions of strigolactones
- 2011 - 2011 Screening for a novel cytochrome P450-depndent growth factor in plants
- 2008 - 2010 Studies on gibberellin-dependent light-induced seed germination
- 2005 - 2006 ジベレリン不活性化経路の多様性と生理機能に関する研究
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Papers (150): -
Heqin Li, Xuwen Jiang, Kiyoshi Mashiguchi, Shinjiro Yamaguchi, Shanfa Lu. Biosynthesis and signal transduction of plant growth regulators and their effects on bioactive compound production in Salvia miltiorrhiza (Danshen). Chinese medicine. 2024. 19. 1. 102-102
Shinjiro Yamaguchi, Yoshiya Seto, Junko Kyozuka. What's New in Strigolactone Research?. Plant & cell physiology. 2023. 64. 9. 933-935
Kiyoshi Mashiguchi, Ryo Morita, Kai Tanaka, Kyoichi Kodama, Hiromu Kameoka, Junko Kyozuka, Yoshiya Seto, Shinjiro Yamaguchi. Activation of Strigolactone Biosynthesis by the DWARF14-LIKE/KARRIKIN-INSENSITIVE2 Pathway in Mycorrhizal Angiosperms, but Not in Arabidopsis, a Non-mycorrhizal Plant. Plant & cell physiology. 2023. 64. 9. 1066-1078
Rui Sun, Maiko Okabe, Sho Miyazaki, Toshiaki Ishida, Kiyoshi Mashiguchi, Keisuke Inoue, Yoshihiro Yoshitake, Shohei Yamaoka, Ryuichi Nishihama, Hiroshi Kawaide, et al. Biosynthesis of gibberellin-related compounds modulates far-red light responses in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha. The Plant Cell. 2023. 35. 11. 4111-4132
Jinying Cui, Noriko Nishide, Kiyoshi Mashiguchi, Kana Kuroha, Masayuki Miya, Kazuhiko Sugimoto, Jun-Ichi Itoh, Shinjiro Yamaguchi, Takeshi Izawa. Fertilization controls tiller numbers via transcriptional regulation of a MAX1-like gene in rice cultivation. Nature communications. 2023. 14. 1. 3191-3191
more... MISC (178): -
岡部麻衣子, 吉竹良洋, SUN Rui, 川村昇吾, 鈴木かおり, 下川瑛太, 安居佑季子, 山岡尚平, 石田俊晃, 増口潔, et al. 苔類ゼニゴケで生理活性を示すカウレン酸およびジベレリンの類縁体の探索. 日本植物学会大会研究発表記録(CD-ROM). 2023. 87th
増口 潔, 瀬戸 義哉, 山口 信次郎. シロイヌナズナのストリゴラクトン生合成におけるカーラクトン酸メチル基転移酵素の機能解析-Identification and functional analysis of a carlactonoic acid methyltransferase in Arabidopsis. 植物の生長調節 = Regulation of plant growth & development. 2023. 58. 1. 34-39
藤田りさ, 有泉亨, 江面浩, 山口信次郎, 増口潔, 瀬戸義哉. Functional analysis of carlactonoic acid methyltransferase in tomato. 植物の生長調節. 2022. 57. Supplement
岡部聖真, 山口信次郎, 瀬戸義哉. Functional alteration of D14 and HTL/KAI2 to elucidate those signal discrimination mechanism. 植物の生長調節. 2022. 57. Supplement
下川瑛太, 川村昇吾, RUI Sun, 鈴木かおり, 岡部麻衣子, 吉竹良洋, 安居佑季子, 西浜竜一, 山岡尚平, 増口潔, et al. Genetic screen for suppressors of a gibberellin-related mutation in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha. 日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web). 2022. 45th
more... Books (12): - 新しい植物ホルモンの科学
講談社 2016
- Biochemistry & Molecular Biology of Plants
WILEY Blackwell 2015
- 植物のシグナル伝達
共立出版 2010
- 新しい植物ホルモンの科学(第2版)
講談社 2010
- Comprehensive Natural Products II: Chemistry and Biology
Elsevier 2010
more... Lectures and oral presentations (82): -
Regulation of stem cell production by a cytochrome P450-derived signal in plants
Gibberellin deactivation by cytochrome P450s and an α,β-hydrolase
(Pacifichem 2021 2021)
Strigolactone biosynthesis and transport
(The 3rd International Congress on Strigolactones 2021)
Strigolactones-Biosynthesis and perception
Gibberellin deactivation by CYP714s and an alpha,beta-hydrolase
(2019 Gibberellins: Current Progress in Gibberellin Research 2019)
more... Professional career (1): - 博士(農学) (The University of Tokyo)
Committee career (7): Awards (15): - 2020/11 - Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher 2020
- 2019/11 - Clarivate Analytics Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher 2019
- 2019/07 - Olchemim s.r.o. The Olchemim Award 2019
- 2018/11 - Clarivate Analytics Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher 2017
- 2017/11 - Clarivate Analytics Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher 2017
- 2017/03 - Syngenta 2nd International Congress on Strigolactones, Syngenta Poster Award
- 2016/11 - Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher 2016
- 2016/06 - The International Plant Growth Substances Association 22nd International Conference on Plant Growth Substances, Poster Award
- 2015/11 - THOMSON REUTERS Highly Cited Researcher 2015
- 2014/06 - THOMSON REUTERS Highly Cited Researcher 2014
- 2013/06 - IPGSA (International Plant Growth Substances Association) IPGSA Silver Medal
- 2012/02 - トムソン・ロイター社 リサーチフロントアワード 植物ホルモン機能の発見によるストリゴラクトン研究の新展開
- 2010/12 - American Society of Plant Biologists ASPB Top Authors 2004-2008にPlant Cell誌に引用頻度の高い論文を発表
- 2009/10 - 植物化学調節学会 植物化学調節学会 学会賞 突然変異体を利用したテルペノイド植物ホルモンの生物有機化学的研究
- 2009/03 - 日本農芸化学会 農芸化学奨励賞 テルペノイド植物ホルモンの生合成と生理機能に関する研究
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Association Membership(s) (4):
, 植物化学調節学会
, 日本農芸化学会
, 日本植物生理学会
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