Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2023 - 2027 Performance Expression of Chopin's Works by Modern Piano and its Variations
2020 - 2023 ショパン作品の演奏におけるヴァリアントの選択と即興的表現の研究
2016 - 2019 Transition of the Interpretation of Chopin Performances by Japanese Musicians and its Relation with Previous Studies
2012 - 2013 Study of the Musical Activity of Ryukichi Sawada
Papers (12):
Junichi Tada. Chopin in Japan: From Ongaku Torishirabe Gakari to Forest of Piano. Chopin Review. 2023. 4-5. 118-153
Junichi Tada. Formation of Chopin's Image in Japan during the Meiji Period (1868-1912) : with special reference to receptions of editions and performances. Ph. D. dissertation, Osaka University of Arts. 2012. 1-371
Junichi Tada. The musical activities of Ryukichi Sawada (1886-1936) and the reception of Chopin's music in Japan. 2011. 9. 13-30
Study of the original music texts of 《Etudes op.25》 composed by Chopin: based on the source materials of No. 1 and No. 2. Bulletin of Nara University of Education Cultural and social science. 2010. 59. 1. 175-186
Junichi Tada. The Reception of Chopin's Edition in Meiji Era in Japan. 2010. 14. 165-184
紺谷 志野, 多田 純一. 幼稚園における「モデル・パターン」方式を用いた歌唱指導の実践と考察 : 保育所および幼保連携型認定こども園における実践を視野に入れて-Practice and Study in the Teaching of Singing with the "Model Pattern" in Kindergarten : With a View to Practice in Nursery School and Kindergarten Cooperation Type Certified Child Institution. 大阪芸術大学短期大学部紀要 Osaka University of Arts Junior College bulletin / 大阪芸術大学短期大学部学術研究委員会 編. 2022. 46. 39-51
紺谷志野, 多田純一. 新型コロナウイルス緊急事態宣言下における保育者養成校のピアノ教育. 大阪芸術大学短期大学部紀要 Osaka University of Arts Junior College bulletin. 2021. 45. 49-67
Choice of Variants in F. Chopin's Works -In the case of "Ballads"-. 2021. 28. 1-16
‘Musical Activities of the First Japanese ‘Chopin Pianist’ Ryūkichi Sawada (1886-1936) -Focusing on ‘Chouwa-gaku’ (Harmonized music)’
(2021 International Chopinological Congress: ‘Through the Prism of Chopin: Reimagining the 19th Century’ (Centrum Nauki Kopernik) Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina 2021)