J-GLOBAL ID:201201051716347971
Update date: Dec. 17, 2024
Hirono Moritoshi
ヒロノ モリトシ | Hirono Moritoshi
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (3):
Clinical pharmacy
, Physiology
, Neuroscience - general
Research keywords (18):
, 代謝調節型受容体
, GABA_B受容体
, ホスホリパーゼC
, mGluR1
, チロシンキナーゼ
, 小脳
, 長期抑圧現象
, 小脳長期抑圧現象
, 小脳皮質
, アドレナリン受容体
, NO
, ホスファチジルイノシトール二リン酸
, 瞬目反射学習
, 連合学習
, 抑制性介在ニューロン
, 抑制性シナプス伝達
Research theme for competitive and other funds (11):
- 2024 - 2028 stress-induced pain enhancement and exercise therapy -involvement of the cholinergic system in the rostral ventromedial medulla
- 2023 - 2026 山椒香気成分による痛覚過敏緩和効果: 嗅覚神経系と疼痛緩和調節系との接点解析
- 2022 - 2025 グレリン様作用薬による神経機能促進と小脳失調改善への寄与
- 2019 - 2022 ペリニューロナルネットによる機能的なシナプス伝達モジュレーションの解明
- 2016 - 2019 Noval regulatory mechanisms of axonal action potentials
- 2015 - 2018 Development of organic fiber electrodes for improving brain functions
- 2015 - 2018 ランビエ絞輪に局在するグルタミン酸受容体による活動電位伝播制御
- 2014 - 2016 Role of Axonal BK channel in Cerebellar Purkinje Cells
- 2010 - 2011 Characterization of synaptic inputs to cerebellar globular cells
- 2004 - 2006 後シナプスGABA_B受容体の小脳長期抑圧現象への寄与
- 2000 - 2001 ホスホリパーゼCβの関与する小脳の記憶・学習機構
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Papers (35):
Moritoshi Hirono, Moeko Kudo, Masahisa Yamada, Yuchio Yanagawa. The modulatory role of bone morphogenetic protein signaling in cerebellar synaptic plasticity. Journal of Neurochemistry. 2024. 169. e16290
Wataru Matsunaga, Toru Shinoe, Moritoshi Hirono. GAD65 deficient mice are susceptible to ethanol-induced impairment of motor coordination and facilitation of cerebellar neuronal firing. PLOS ONE. 2023. 18. 5. e0286031-e0286031
Moritoshi Hirono, Masanori Nakata. Ghrelin signaling in the cerebellar cortex enhances GABAergic transmission onto Purkinje cells. Scientific Reports. 2023. 13. 1. 2150-2150
Moritoshi Hirono, Yuchio Yanagawa. Endocannabinoids regulate cerebellar GABAergic transmission in a synapse type-dependent manner. Journal of Neuroscience Research. 2021. 99. 3. 898-913
Yasushi Kishimoto, Moritoshi Hirono, Ryuichiro Atarashi, Suehiro Sakaguchi, Tohru Yoshioka, Shigeru Katamine, Yutaka Kirino. Impairment of cerebellar long-term depression and GABAergic transmission in prion protein deficient mice ectopically expressing PrPLP/Dpl. Scientific Reports. 2020. 10. 1
MISC (21):
Moritoshi Hirono, Fuyuki Karube, Yuchio Yanagawa. Modulatory Effects of Monoamines and Perineuronal Nets on Output of Cerebellar Purkinje Cells. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 2021. 15. 661899
Moritoshi Hirono, Hiroaki Misonou. The roles of perineuronal nets in the deep cerebellar nuclei. Clinical Neuroscience. 2019. 37. 8. 1022-1023
Fumihito Saitow, Moritoshi Hirono, Hidenori Suzuki. Serotonin and synaptic transmission in the cerebellum. Handbook of the Cerebellum and Cerebellar Disorders. 2013. 915-926
廣野 守俊. Diversity of interneurons elaborates cerebellar circuits. 生体の科学. 2011. 62. 4. 292-297
Chihiro Hisatsune, Hiroyuki Miyamoto, Moritoshi Hirono, Naohide Yamaguchi, Takeyuki Sugawara, Naoko Ogawa, Toshio Ohshima, Masahisa Yamada, Takao K. Hensch, Mitsuharu Hattori, et al. Disturbed Purkinje cell spike activity produces dystonia in mice lacking the type 1 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor. NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH. 2011. 71. E99-E99
Books (6):
Essentials of Cerebellum and Cerebellar Disorders
Handbook of the Cerebellum and Cerebellar Disorders
Cerebellum as a CNS Hub, H. Mizusawa, S. Kakei (eds.)
Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 2021
Essentials of Cerebellum and Cerebellar Disorders. A Primer For Graduate Students, D.L. Gruol et al. (eds.)
Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 2016
Professional career (1):
- Ph.D. (Waseda University)
Work history (4):
- 2019/04 - 現在 Wakayama Medical University School of Medicine Department of Physiology Associate Professor
- 2015/04 - 2019/03 Doshisha University Organization for Research Initiatives and Development Research Associate Professor
- 2012/10 - 2015/03 Doshisha University Organization for Advanced Research and Education Research Associate Professor
- 2010/04 - 2012/09 RIKEN
Committee career (9):
- 2023/04 - 現在 日本薬理学会 学術評議員
- 2022/09 - 現在 Associate Editor, Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience
- 2020/05 - 現在 Review Editor, Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience
- 2017/01 - 現在 日本生理学会 評議員
- 2011/08 - 現在 活性アミンに関するワークショップ 世話人
- 2019/01 - 2019/12 日本生物物理学会 分野別専門委員「感覚情報処理」
- 2017/01 - 2017/12 日本生物物理学会 分野別専門委員「感覚情報処理」
- 2016/08 - 2017/08 活性アミンに関するワークショップ 世話人代表
- 2014/01 - 2014/12 日本生物物理学会 分野別専門委員「電気生理学的手法」
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Awards (1):
- 2017/08 - 活性アミンに関するワークショップ 功労賞
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