J-GLOBAL ID:201201053818570490
Update date: Feb. 01, 2024
Hazucha Branislav
ハズハ ブラニスラヴ | Hazucha Branislav
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Professor of Intellectual Property Law
Homepage URL (2):
Research field (1):
New fields in law
Research keywords (9):
digital copyright
, piracy
, indirect copyright infringement
, copyright
, 著作隣接権
, テレビ放送
, 情報通信技術
, 間接侵害
, 著作権
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
- 2018 - 2023 Cross-Sectional Review of Intellectual Property Laws from the Viewpoint of Fostering and Securing Public Domain
- 2018 - 2023 Public Views on Wrongfulness of Copyright Infringements
- 2019 - 2021 Public Views on the Role of Parody in Copyright Law
- 2018 - 2019 パブリック・ドメインの醸成と確保という観点からみた各種知的財産法の横断的検討
- 2015 - 2018 Copyright Users' Views on Technological Protection Measures
- 2013 - 2018 Development of Intellectual Property Law and Policy
- 2010 - 2012 Designing an Efficient Legal Framework for Inducing a Copyright- and Consumer- Friendly Design of ICTs and ISs
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Papers (17):
Branislav Hazucha, Noriko Shimizu. Public Views on Copyright Non-transformative Uses: A Cross-Cultural Empirical Study. Yoshiyuki Tamura and Takakuni Yamane (eds.), Frontiers of Intellectual Property Vol. I. 2021. 285-312
Branislav Hazucha. Autorské právo z pohľadu používateľov internetu v EÚ, USA a Japonsku (Copyright Law from a Viewpoint of Internet Users in the EU, US and Japan). Zuzana Adamová (ed.), Nové technológie, internet a duševné vlastníctvo 5 (New Technologies, Internet and Intellectual Property 5). 2021. 67-106
Branislav Hazucha. Vyhotovovanie rozmnoženín diel pre súkromnú potrebu: Nový náhľad na tradičnú problematiku (Private Copying: New Views on the Traditional Problem). Zuzana Adamová (ed.), Nové technológie, internet a duševné vlastníctvo 4 (New Technologies, Internet and Intellectual Property 4). 2020. 11-56
Branislav Hazucha. Licenčné zmluvy a distribúcia autorských diel cez internet (Licensing Agreements and the Distribution of Copyrighted Works through the Internet). Zuzana Adamová (ed.), Nové technológie, internet a duševné vlastníctvo 3 (New Technologies, Internet and Intellectual Property 3). 2019. 74-112
Branislav Hazucha. International Harmonization with Regulatory Competition: A Case of Intellectual Property Law. Shin-yi Peng, Han-Wei Liu & Ching-Fu Lin (eds.), Governing Science and Technology under the International Economic Order: Regulatory Divergence and Convergence in the Age of Megaregionals. 2018. 298-317
MISC (1):
Hazucha Branislav. Copyright, Protection Measures and Their Acceptance by Consumers. 2013. 41. 179-208
Books (1):
Autorský zákon: Komentár (Copyright Law: A Commentary)
C. H. Beck 2018 ISBN:9788089603589
Education (4):
- 2014 - 2015 University of Oxford Faculty of Law Magister Juris
- 2002 - 2005 Kyushu University Kyushu University LL.D. Programme in International Economic and Business Law
- 2001 - 2002 Trnava University, Faculty of Law Trnava University, Faculty of Law Dr. jur. Degree in International Law
- 1994 - 1999 Comenius University Faculty of Law LL.M. Degree in Law
Professional career (4):
- LL.D. (Kyushu University)
- Dr. jur. (Trnava University)
- MJur (University of Oxford)
- LL.M. (Comenius University)
Work history (9):
- 2019/04 - 現在 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Law Professor of Intellectual Property Law
- 2012/10 - 2019/03 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Law Associate Professor
- 2011/04 - 2012/09 Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Law Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Law Specially Appointed Associate Professor
- 2011/02 - 2011/06 National Tsing Hua University College of Technology Management, Institute of Law for Science and Technology Visiting Associate Professor
- 2009/05 - 2011/03 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Law Assistant Professor
- 2009/01 - 2009/05 Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Law Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Law Specially Appointed Assistant Professor
- 2006/03 - 2008/11 Čechová & Partners law firm Associate
- 2007/01 - 2008/08 Kyushu University Graduate School of Law Specially Appointed Assistant Professor
- 1999/09 - 2001/03 Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic Institute for Approximation of Law, Bratislava Legal Adviser
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Awards (1):
- 2019/06 - Karlovarské právnické dny (Karlsbader Juristentage) Author's Prize 3rd runner-up
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