Research field (2):
, Mathematical physics and basic theory
Research keywords (1):
Integrable system
Research theme for competitive and other funds (9):
2018 - 2022 動的量子相関関数の厳密な解析と平衡・非平衡系への応用
2015 - 2018 量子相関の厳密な解析とクエンチ系への応用
2012 - 2015 一次元無限および有限ボーズ粒子系の数理とその応用
2009 - 2010 The exact WKB analysis on correlation functions of low dimensional quantum systems and quantum entanglement.
2008 - 2010 The exact WKB analysis on correlation functions of low dimensional quantum systems and quantum entanglement.
2007 - 2007 Studies on quantum impurities and quantum Brownian motion by the exact WKB method
2006 - 2007 Studies on quantum impurities and quantum Brownian motion by the exact WKB method
2003 - PT対称性をもつ量子系に対する厳密WKB法による解析
2002 - PT対称性をもつ量子系に対する厳密WKB法による解析
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Papers (39):
Frank Goehmann, Karol K. Kozlowski, Jesko Sirker, Junji Suzuki. Spin conductivity of the XXZ chain in the antiferromagnetic massive regime. Scipost Physics. 2022. 5. 1-28
C.Babenko, F. Goehmann, K. K. Kozlowski, J.Sirker, J.Suzuki. Exact real-time longitudinal correlation functions of the massive XXZ chain. Physical Review Letters. 2021. 126. 210602
C.Babenko, F. Goehmann, K. K. Kozlowski, J. Suzuk. A thermal form factor series for the longitudinal two-point function of the Heisenberg-Ising chain in the antiferromagnetic massive regime. Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2021. 62. 041901
F. Goehmann, K. K. Kozlowski, J. Suzuki. Long-time large-distance asymptotics of the transverse correlation functions of the XX chain in the space-like regime. Letters in mathematical physics. 2020. 2020. 1-15