Research field (3):
, Cultural properties
, Architectural history and design
Research keywords (8):
Architectural History
, Urban History
, Architectural Archives
, Museum History
, Commercial Museum
, Daimyo Garden
, Belgium
, American Beaux-Arts
Research theme for competitive and other funds (15):
2024 - 2028 The Rise of Singularity Product Trade. Export Promotion and Information Platforms, c.1850-1930s
2021 - 2025 Activities and Roles of Japanese Architects in the U.S. before World War II
2020 - 2023 京都の伝統的美術工芸の近代化に関する総合的研究
2019 - 2023 建築家村野藤吾における「歴史」「伝統」「過去」についての意識とその表現
2019 - 2022 日本統治期ソウルにおける戦時対策用途の都市公共施設
2018 - 2021 Addition of disaster and academic survey format function and system reconstruction to historic building database
2017 - 2020 Historical study of the activity and works of an architect Kakuji Matsunoi
2016 - 2019 Modernization of Daimyo Garden
2016 - 2019 A historic study of city planning in Seoul since 1930's focusing on its transition process after liberated from Japanese Governor
2015 - 2019 Comprehensive Study on the fine arts and crafts of modern Kyoto-from the point of view of production, distribution and appreciation
2014 - 2018 Collaboration between architects, clients, contractor and other field experts in architectural works by Togo Murano
2014 - 2018 Study on changing of building and location of Commercial Museum: focusing on the role in the city management
2013 - 2018 Architectural Exhibition of Expositions in Modern Japan
2014 - 2015 Commercial Museum in Modern Japan
2010 - 2012 The Indusrialization of Conventional Cities in Korean Peninsula during the Colonial Period
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Papers (20):
Takuya Miyake. Bijutsu tenrankaijo toshite no Shohin Chinretsujo (Commercial museum as fine art gallery). 2025. 36-55
Takuya Miyake. REPORT ON THE FLANDERS ARCHITECTURE ARCHIVES OF THE FLANDERS ARCHITECTURE INSTITUTE (VAi). AIJ Journal of Technology and Design. 2024. 30. 75. 1074-1079
Ano SATO, Takuya MIYAKE, Kazuto KASAHARA. STUDY ON THE ARCHITECTURAL MAGAZINE “SHIKOKU KENCHIKU”. Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ). 2024. 89. 816. 348-359
Takuya Miyake. To see, and to show: commercial museums and cities in modernity. Fashion Talks. 2022. 14. 12-20
Shota Mukai, Yoshiaki Hanada, Yasuhiro Yamasaki, Kazuto Kasahara, Rie Nakayama, Takuya Miyake. Study on the Architect Misao Kuno: Techiques and Methods that Realized Multifunctional Station Buildings. 2024. 建築歴史・意匠. 511-512
Ano Sato, Kazuto Kasahara, Takuya Miyake. Togo Murano's Subscriptions of Western Architectural Magazines and His Methods: The Acceptance of Foreign Modern Architecture in Japan through Architectural Journal, part 3. 2024. 建築歴史・意匠. 197-198
Ryoya Shimoji, Yoshiaki Hanada, Yasuhiro Yamasaki, Kazuto Kasahara, Rie Nakayama, Takuya Miyake. On the club houses of Japanese Golf clubs in the pre-WWII period. 2024. 建築歴史・意匠. 125-126
Architecture Collection of the Museum and Archives, Kyoto Institute of Technology
(Challenges of Architectural Archives at Japanese Universities: Exchange and discussion with CCA 2023)
The Commercial Museum in Modern Japan : Overview and Supplements
The Aichi Commercial Museum and its era
(Special lecture on the exhibition "The Aichi Prefectural Museum That Might Have Been" 2023)
Kyoto Commercial Museum and Deign
(Okazaki in Modern Kyoto: As a center of design (Mini-symposium of Kyoto Institute, Library and Archives) 2021)
2018/04 - 2021/03 Osaka Institute of Technology Part-time Lecturer
2014/04 - 2017/03 Kyoto University of Art and Design Part-time Lecturer
2011/04 - 2013/03 Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo Assistant Curator
Committee career (10):
2018/07 - 現在 The Architectural Association of Japan Research Committee of Historical Document
2017/04 - 現在 Architectural Institute of Japan Sub-committee on Architectural Archives
2015/10 - 現在 Architectural Institute of Japan Sub-committee on Database of Inventory of Historical buildings
2010/08 - 現在 Architectural Institute of Japan Sub-committee on Urban History, Working Group
2018/10 - 2022/02 National Archives of Modern Architecture, Agency for Cultural Affairs Investigative Working Group on Legal Issue
2017/08 - 2019/09 Architectural Institute of Japan Editorial Committee on Journal of Architecture and Building Science
2017/12 - 2018/03 Architectural Institute of Japan Working Groups on Research and Meeting for Issues on Publication of Architectural Records
2015/06 - 2017/03 National Archives of Modern Architecture, Agency for Cultural Affairs Working Groups on Masato Otaka Exhibition
2013/10 - 2014/03 Architectural Institute of Japan Special Working Groups on National Survey of Architectural Records
2012/05 - 2014/03 Architectural Institute of Japan [Young Researcher Encouragement] Special-committee on International Comparative Study of Regeneration and Decline of City on Crisis and Disaster
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Awards (3):
2016/09 - The Award of the Museological Society of Japan "Commercial Museum in Modern Japan"
2016/06 - The Maeda Engineering Foundation Kazuie Yamada Prize A Historical Study on Product Exhibition Facilities to Promote Industry and Commerce in Modern Japan
2012/06 - The Engouragement Award of The Museological Society of Japan "Accepting of Shohin Chinretsujo in the commercial museum project at the Meiji-era"
Association Membership(s) (6):
, Japanese Association for Belgian Studies
, Society of Urban & Territorial History
, Society of Architectural Historians of Japan