J-GLOBAL ID:201201071017680453
Update date: Aug. 31, 2022
Takatori Yasuko
Takatori Yasuko
Papers (11):
Toshio Oyama, Burkhard Schaer, Ulrich Hamm, Toru Sakai, Yasuko Takatori, Yoko Taniguchi. International Symposium on Organic Consumer Research : Recent Trend and Development of Organic Food Market in Japan and EU. 立教經濟學研究. 2016. 70. 1. 103-146
Schaer Burkhard, Hamm Ulrich, 酒井 徹, 鷹取 泰子, 谷口 葉子. 国際シンポジウム「有機食品市場の展開と消費者 : EUと日本の動向から」 (公開講演会・シンポジウム開催報告). 立教大学経済研究所年報. 2016. 2016. 12-33
鷹取 泰子. Significance of organic open-air farmers' markets and their utility : A case study in Obihiro City, Hokkaido in Japan. 有機農業研究. 2016. 8. 1. 36-45
鷹取 泰子. 有機直売市の存在意義とその活用-あるオーガニック・マルシェの事例から. 国際シンポジウム「有機食品市場の展開と消費者-日本とEUの動向から」資料集. 2015. 56-58
TAKATORI, Yasuko. Significance of Organic Open-Air Farmers' Markets and Their Utility: a Case Study. International Symposium on Organic Consumer Research -Recent Trend and Development of Organic Food Market in Japan and EU. 2015. 62-75
MISC (5):
鷹取 泰子. 農業はいのちを育む生きがい産業=静岡県森町・佐野ファームの野菜づくり=. Agrio. 2017. 166. 12-14
鷹取 泰子. 放牧酪農の基盤は畑の土作りから=北海道・十勝しんむら牧場の歩み=. Agrio. 2017. 147. 7-9
三石 誠司, 鷹取 泰子. 解題/はじめに (ローカル・フードシステム). のびゆく農業 : 世界の農政. 2016. 1029. 2-6
Martinez Steve, Hand Michael, Da Pra Michelle, Pollack Susan, Ralson Katherine, Smith Travis, Vogel Stephen, Clark Shellye, Lohr Luanne, Low Sarah, et al. Local Food System : Concepts, Impacts, and Issues. のびゆく農業 : 世界の農政. 2016. 1029. 7-124
鷹取 泰子. 雲仙の麓で「安心・安全な野菜づくり」=島原自然塾で夫婦がたどった軌跡=. Agrio. 2016. 111. 14-16
Books (7):
ツーリズムの地理学: 観光から考える地域の魅力
二宮書店 2018 ISBN:9784817604361
世界地名大事典 第2巻 アジア・オセアニア・極 II
2017 ISBN:9784254168921
世界地名大事典 第1巻 アジア・オセアニア・極 I
朝倉書店 2017 ISBN:9784254168914
世界地名大事典 第8巻 北アメリカII
朝倉書店 2013 ISBN:9784254168983
Lectures and oral presentations (18):
A Preliminary Report on Inbound Cycling Tourism in Rural Areas in Hokkaido
(Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers 2018)
Contribution and potential of temporary migrants to rural areas</b>:Case studies of utilization of worldwide platforms to exchange volunteer work
(Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers 2018)
Utilization and potential of global social system and international migrants - A case study of Tokachi, Hokkaido
(The Japanese Society of Organic Agricultural Science 2017)
Devolution of farm-based resources on the skipped-generation and rural new community: - Case studies from Japan and application to studies in Romania
(25th Annual Colloquium of the International Geographical Union Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems 2017)
Contribution of the Post-Bubble Generation to Rural Areas and Development of Women Role Models:Case Studies of Entrepreneurial Activities and Diversification of Farm-based Business in Hokkaido
(Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Association of Japanese Geographers 2017)
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