J-GLOBAL ID:201201074818763600
Update date: Nov. 30, 2024
Humphries Simon
サイモン ハンフリーズ | Humphries Simon
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (3):
, English linguistics
, Foreign language education
Research keywords (5):
Foreign language education (methodology, curriculum innovation) /Intercultural communication (factors influencing learners' capacity to speak)
, アクションリサーチ
, 英語教育における教科書が教授法に及ぼす影響
, Action Research
, The influence of textbook change on TEFL
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- 2003 - 2005 Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
Papers (35):
Simon Humphries, Maiko Ikeda, Tomoko Yashima. Exploring perceived capacity to speak in silent English majors: A longitudinal study before, during, and after study abroad. Journal of Silence Studies in Education. 2023. 3. 1. 17-32
Simon Humphries, Scott Aubrey, Jim King. Fluctuations in Japanese English majors’ capacity to speak before, during and after studying abroad. System. 2023. 113. 103001-103001
Simon Humphries, Nobuhiko Akamatsu, Takako Tanaka, Anne Burns. Silence in Japanese Classrooms: Activities and Factors in Capacities to Speak English. East Asian Perspectives on Silence in English Language Education. 2020. 123-142
Jim King, Tomoko Yashima, Simon Humphries, Scott Aubrey, Maiko Ikeda. Silence and Anxiety in the English-Medium Classroom of Japanese Universities: A Longitudinal Intervention Study. East Asian Perspectives on Silence in English Language Education. 2020. 60-79
Simon Humphries. ‘Please Teach Me How to Teach’: The Emotional Impact of Educational Change. The Emotional Rollercoaster of Language Teaching. 2020. 150-172
MISC (4):
HUMPHRIES, Simon, SHACHTER, Jonathan. Lost in Citations. Citation 79: Humphries, S., & Yashima, T. (2021). “I forgot the language:” Japanese students’ actual multilingual selves and translanguaging challenges as English majors in Taiwan. https://lostinthecitations.podbean.com/e/79. 2021
HUMPHRIES, Simon, Schachter, Jonathan. Lost in Citations: Citation 7 Please teach me how to teach. https://lostinthecitations.podbean.com/e/humphries-s-2020-please-teach-me-how-to-teach-the-emotional-impact-of-educational-change. 2020
Takeuchi Haruki, Humphries Simon. Learners' Evaluation of a Method to Improve Writing Competence. Research reports Kinki University Technical College. 2005. 21. 39-47
Takeuchi Haruki, Humphries Simon. How a Seminar for English Teachers Should Be. Research reports Kinki University Technical College. 2002. 18. 61-67
Books (9):
Support for Educator and Learner Feelings: Study Abroad Confidence Building
The University Grapevine 2023
"I forgot the language:" Japanese students' actual multilingual selves and translanguaging challenges as English majors in Taiwan
In Wenli Tsou and Will Baker (Eds.), English-Medium Instruction Translanguaging Practices in Asia: Theories, Frameworks and Implementation in Higher Education (pp. 143-161). Singapore: Springer. 2021 ISBN:9789811630019
Silence in Japanese classrooms: Activities and factors in capacities to speak English
In J. King & S.Harumi (Eds.), East Asian Perspectives on Silence in English Language Education,(pp. 123-142). Bristol: Multilingual Matters. 2020 ISBN:9781788926751
Silence and anxiety in the English-medium classroom of Japanese universities: A longitudinal intervention study
In J. King & S.Harumi (Eds.), East Asian Perspectives on Silence in English Language Education (pp. 60-79). Bristol: Multilingual Matters. 2020 ISBN:9781788926751
"Please teach me how to teach": The emotional impact of educational change.
In C. Gkonou, J.-M. Dewaele & J. King (Eds.), The Emotional Rollercoaster of Language Teaching,(pp. 150-172). Bristol (UK): Mulitlingual Matters. 2020 ISBN:9781788928328
Lectures and oral presentations (54):
Exploring the Impact of L3 Study on L2 English Motivation
(The 50th Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) International Conference 2024)
Evolving study abroad: Insights from program managers
(The 50th Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) International Conference 2024)
Flipping the script: Harnessing technology to foster group speaking motivation
(33rd International Symposium on English Language Teaching & Learning English Teachers’ Association-Republic of China (ETA-ROC) 2024)
Beyond English: A Dual-Language Study Abroad Program's Impact
(JALT Pan-SIG 2024)
Breaking the silence: Impact of study abroad on speaking
(JALT 2023)
Education (4):
- - 2011 マクワリー大学 Department of Linguistics
- - 2011 Macquarie University Department of Linguistics
- - 2005 英国アストン大学 TESOL
- - 2005 Aston University
Professional career (1):
- Ph.D. (Macquarie University)
Work history (7):
Association Membership(s) (2):
The Japan Association for Language Teaching
, The Japan Association for Language Teaching
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