Kazumichi Hashimoto. An unfaithful trace: a history of "life-size" photography. Bilder als Denkformen: Bildwissenschaftliche Dialoge zwischen Japan und Deutschland. 2020. 91-100
橋本一径. 鏡・写真・数値ーー「私」を制定するイメージと人文学. Chubu Institute for Advanced Studies Studies Forum Seires. 2024. 120. 3-16
イラナ ロウィ, 橋本 一径. 黙殺された身体? : 女性の身体をめぐる知と無知の同時生産に向き合うフェミニストたち-Des corps ignores ? : Les feministes face a la coproduction de connaissances et d'ignorances sur les corps des femmes-特集 表象文化論の批評性. 表象 / 表象文化論学会 編. 2023. 17. 106-112
石岡 良治, 入江 哲朗, 清水 知子, 橋本 一径. 共同討議 表象文化論の批評性-Panel Discussion : Representations in the Crisis of Critical Thought-特集 表象文化論の批評性. 表象 / 表象文化論学会 編. 2023. 17. 46-74
Who is the author of the series? The ‘pilgrimage’ of filming locations and a scriptwriter theory
(International Workshop “Television Series: Global Circulation and Cross-cultural Differences” 2024)
- 2010 University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of General Culture Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies
1998 - 2007 University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of General Culture Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies
2002 - 2006 Université de Nantes Faculté des sciences histoire des sciences et des techniques
1993 - 1998 University of Tokyo Faculty of Literature Division of Philosophy and Religion
Professional career (2):
Ph.D. (University of Tokyo)
DEA (Université de Nantes)
Work history (5):
2017/04 - 現在 Waseda University Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences Professor
2021/10 - 2022/06 Nantes Institute of Advanced Studies Fellow
2012/04 - 2017/03 Waseda University Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences Associate Professor
2010/04 - 2012/03 Aichi University of Technology Faculty of Engineering Lecturer
2006/04 - 2008/03 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Research Fellow
Committee career (3):
2022/10 - 現在 Nantes Institute for Advanced Study Member of the Scientific Advisory Board
2022/09 - 現在 Waseda University Associate Dean, Academic Affaires Division
2022/07 - 2024/07 表象文化論学会 編集委員長
Awards (1):
2011/07 - 表象文化論学会 奨励賞
Association Membership(s) (4):
Japan Society of Image, Arts and Sciences
, Society for the Study of 19th Century Scholarship
, The Japanese Association for Semiotic Studies
, Association for the Studies of Culture and Representation