J-GLOBAL ID:201201089938127624
Update date: Oct. 22, 2024 Mizuki Nobuhisa
ミズキ ノブヒサ | Mizuki Nobuhisa
Affiliation and department: Job title:
Homepage URL (1): http://www-user.yokohama-cu.ac.jp/~ganka/ Research field (4):
Molecular biology
, Allergies and connective tissue disease
, Neurology
, Ophthalmology
Research keywords (4):
, 眼科学
, Molecular genetics
, Ophthalmology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (36): - 2021 - 2024 Pathogenic pathway analysis in normal tension glaucoma using genome data
- 2021 - 2024 Prognostic prediction of Behcet disease based on clinical clustering factors
- 2019 - 2024 Generation of evidence through registry construction by genome-wide subtype analysis of Behcet's disease
- 2020 - 2023 ベーチェット病とサルコイドーシスを対象としたマルチオミックス解析
- 2020 - 2023 HLAリスク因子陰性のベーチェット病患者を対象としたゲノムワイド関連解析
- 2020 - 2023 whole-exome sequencing analysis of uveitis diseases
- 2019 - 2022 強度近視の分子遺伝学的発症機序の解明
- 2018 - 2021 網膜格子状変性を対象とした分子遺伝学的発症機序の解明
- 2018 - 2021 ベーチェット病の病因HLAと病因ペプチドの結合を阻害する医薬分子の特定
- 2017 - 2020 臨床症状と遺伝素因に基づくベーチェット病の亜群分類
- 2017 - 2020 ベーチェット病患者のインフリキシマブ離脱のための無作為化非盲検並行群間対照研究
- 2017 - 2020 Genome-wide association study of keratoconus using several ethnic populations
- 2016 - 2018 Comprehensive analysis of the association between type II/IV collagen genes and lattice degeneration of the retina
- 2015 - 2018 Genome-wide investigation of gene-gene interactions in HLA-associated ocular diseases
- 2014 - 2017 Whole-exome sequencing in families with late-onset developmental glaucoma
- 2014 - 2017 In-depth analysis of the SRBD1 gene region in canine glaucoma
- 2013 - 2016 Analysis of new candidate genes for essential hypertension: ATP2B1 gene and LPIN1 gene
- 2013 - 2016 Comprehensive genetic analysis of the COL4A4 gene region for lattice degeneration of the retina
- 2010 - 2015 Integrated redearch for HLA disease and evolution
- 2010 - 2015 Identification of susceptibility genes for HLA-associated diseases including Behcet's disease
- 2011 - 2014 Isolation of pluriptent somatic stem cells for neuronal regenerative medicine and neuronal differentiation peptide-mediated neuronal differentiation
- 2011 - 2013 Genome-wide association study of high myopia using multiple ethnic groups
- 2011 - 2013 Comprhensive examination for serum autoantigens in endogenous uveitis patients
- 2011 - 2012 Research for the molecular mechanism of Behcet's disease
- 2011 - 2012 Analysis of risk factors associated with non-response to infliximab treatment for Behcet's disease
- 2010 - 2012 Genetic association study of Behcet's disease in multiple ethnic groups
- 2008 - 2010 Functional analysis of the new three disease-susceptibility genes for essential hypertension
- 2008 - 2010 Identification of neural induction domain in stem cells and neuronal regenerative medicine using the peptide derived from the domain
- 2008 - 2010 Genome-wide association study of lattice degeneration of the retina using 23,465 microsatellite markers
- 2007 - 2009 Investigation of disease susceptibility genes associated with intractable intraocular inflammation with racial differences and development of new antioxidant therapy
- 2007 - 2009 Novel genetic analysis in Behcet's disease
- 2004 - 2006 New development in molecular genetic and molecular pharmacological studies on intractable intraocular inflammation.
- 2004 - 2006 Genome-wide microsatellite mapping of multi-factorial ocular diseases.
- 2004 - 2006 Molecular genetics and molecular epidemiology of intractable intraocular inflammation frequently found in Mongoloids for prevention of blindness.
- 2002 - 2003 Genome-wide microsatellite mapping of multi-factorial ocular diseases.
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Papers (384): -
Takeshi Teshigawara, Akira Meguro, Masaki Takeuchi, Mizuho Ishido, Yutaro Soejima, Lisa Hirahara, Yohei Kirino, Shigeaki Ohno, Nobuhisa Mizuki. Replication Study of the Association of GAS6 and PROS1 Polymorphisms with Behçet's Disease in a Japanese Population. Ocular immunology and inflammation. 2024. 32. 4. 447-453
Kayoko Yamada, Masaki Takeuchi, Takeshi Fukumoto, Minako Suzuki, Ai Kato, Yuki Mizuki, Norihiro Yamada, Takeshi Kaneko, Nobuhisa Mizuki, Nobuyuki Horita. Immune checkpoint inhibitors for metastatic uveal melanoma: a meta-analysis. Scientific Reports. 2024. 14. 1
Lisa Hirahara, Yohei Kirino, Yutaro Soejima, Yuki Iizuka, Ryusuke Yoshimi, Yuichiro Fujieda, Tatsuya Atsumi, Toshihiro Tono, Daisuke Kobayashi, Akira Meguro, et al. Association of high disease activity and serum IL-6 levels with the incidence of inflammatory major organ events in Behçet disease: a prospective registry study. Frontiers in immunology. 2024. 15. 1354969-1354969
Hideharu Fukasaku, Akira Meguro, Masaki Takeuchi, Nobuhisa Mizuki, Masao Ota, Kengo Funakoshi. Association of PDGFRA polymorphisms with the risk of corneal astigmatism in a Japanese population. Scientific reports. 2023. 13. 1. 16075-16075
米田 優, 臼井 嘉彦, 田中 理恵, 長谷 敬太郎, 南場 研一, 鴨居 功樹, 高瀬 博, 竹内 正樹, 松宮 亘, 楠原 仙太郎, et al. 日本におけるフックス虹彩毛様体炎症候群の低い有病率の原因についての検討. 日本眼科学会雑誌. 2023. 127. 臨増. 270-270
more... MISC (533): -
Toshiki Shimizu, Satoru Yamagami, Nobuhisa Mizuki, Takahiko Hayashi. Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty in Asian Eyes. Current Ophthalmology Reports. 2020. 8. 4. 208-215
Masao Yoshida, Nobuhisa Mizuki, Hiroyuki Okada, Eiichi Okada. A large-scale, epidemiologic study on myopia progression. - A 5-year follow-up study of approximately 290,000 Japanese patients' eyes. INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE. 2020. 61. 7
Takashi Ono, Manabu Mochizuki, Hiroshi Goto, Tsutomu Sakai, Fumihiko Nitta, Nobuhisa Mizuki, Hiroshi Takase, Yutaka Kaneko, Junko Hori, Satoko Nakano, et al. A prospective multi-center randomized clinical study comparing steroid-pulse therapy and a combined therapy with oral prednisolone and cyclosporine for new-onset acute Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease. INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE. 2020. 61. 7
石ヶ坪良明, 桐野洋平, 吉見隆介, 岳野光洋, 蕪城俊克, 盛理子, 迫野卓士, 竹内正樹, 渋谷悦子, 安倍清美, et al. ベーチェット病に関する調査研究 厚労省ベーチェット病班作成のHPからの患者相談実態の解析(第7報). ベーチェット病に関する調査研究 令和元年度 研究報告書(Web). 2020
- 山根 敬浩, 水木 信久. 【Immunology〜進化する自己免疫疾患治療〜】眼科領域 ベーチェット病眼病変における治療戦略. クリニシアン. 2019. 66. 12. 1101-1106
more... Books (18): - ベーチェット病診療ガイドライン
診断と治療社 2020 ISBN:9784787824042
- 眼科診療のコツと落とし穴3 検査・診断
中山書店 2008
- 眼科プラクティス16
- 厚生労働科学研究(特定疾患対策研究事業)ベーチェット病に関する研究平成18年度研究報告集
- 標準眼科学
医学書院 2007
more... Lectures and oral presentations (24): -
Ocular findings, complications, treatments and visual outcome in ocular sarcoidosis in Japan
(1st Chinese-Japanese-Korean-indian Uveitis Meeting 2019)
Genome-wide association study for Behcet's disease
(The 18th International Vasculitis & ANCA Workshop 2017)
Genome-wide association study for Behcet's disease
(7th Korea-Japan Behcet’s Disease Joint Meeting / 17th Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Behcet’s Disease 2016)
Novel treatment of Behҫet’s disease
(16th International Conference on Behҫet’s Disease 2014)
Epidemiology and molecular genetics of Behcet's disease
(World Ophthalmology Congress 2014 2014)
more... Professional career (1): Return to Previous Page