J-GLOBAL ID:201201098057804819
Update date: Dec. 06, 2024
Kubota Yoshihiko
クボタ ヨシヒコ | Kubota Yoshihiko
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (3):
Primary/secondary education and curricula
, Educational technology
, Science education
Research keywords (28):
, キャリア教育
, 遠隔地教育
, 理科教育
, マンガベース思考
, ユーザインタフェース
, 納得技術
, CSCLシステム
, オノマトペ
, 教育評価
, 生活科
, 天文教育
, 納得教育
, 自然科学教育
, 協調学習
, FD
, 科学的気付き
, 漫画表現
, 思考過程の共有
, 対話理論
, 漫画ベース思考
, 多声性
, プレゼンテーション
, 学習者状態把握
, バーチャルリアリティ
, 分散協調教育システム
, 授業評価
, 教師教育
Research theme for competitive and other funds (35):
- 2023 - 2027 Developing methods to socially cultivate learners' conviviality and to support systematic learning aimed at improving teachers' practical skills
- 2023 - 2027 Elucidation of the function of learner's expression in distance education and study of learning improvement by expression promotion system
- 2021 - 2025 科学の生産と消費を融合させた科学メディアリテラシー育成モデルの構築
- 2021 - 2024 協調学習における主体的な学びの調整を状況に応じて支援するエージェントの開発と評価
- 2019 - 2024 科学的な探究の特徴から理科授業を省察する教師教育プログラムの開発に関する研究
- 2019 - 2023 Development of a Systematic Reading Method to Build Sustainable Knowledge Structure
- 2019 - 2023 The investigation of the present characteristic of the IBL (Inquiry Based Learning) and the development of IBL's practical program: Comparative study between Japan, US and China
- 2018 - 2022 System development for aggregating learners' expressive acts corresponding to mental states and feeding the results back to learners
- 2017 - 2021 Research on learning environments based on embodied cognition that promote intuitive understanding of abstract concepts in STEM education
- 2017 - 2020 Construction of learning support system using transformative goal model for proactive problem-solving skill development
- 2017 - 2020 A Study on Enhancement of self-scaffolding Skills in order to form social capital for problem solving
- 2017 - 2020 Development of a learning environment which enhances epistemic agency as one of the 21st century skills in order to achieve collaborative discussion
- 2015 - 2019 Development of an e-portfolio System simultaneously facilitating structural deepening of learning and reinforcement of self-efficacy
- 2014 - 2017 Empirical study of AR teaching materials to navigate thought activities during observation and experiment
- 2014 - 2017 An Empirical Study on Educational System fostering Autonomous Organization Building Ability
- 2014 - 2017 Development of a Learning Environment that Elicits Dialogic Communication Skills through Integration of Bird's-eye viewpoint and First-Person's viewpoint of Role-Play SImulation
- 2014 - 2017 Empirical study of strategy of universal design for learning in science problem solving
- 2013 - 2017 Empirical research on development of educational program for teachers who keep learning about effective teaching methods in science lesson
- 2012 - 2016 Practical study on teaching skills improvement process of "the young teacher" by the combination with a teaching profession graduate school and the public elementary school.
- 2012 - 2015 Development of a teaching method of deliberation skills for agreement creation based on comparison and examination of an argument and related resources
- 2012 - 2015 Research on a system for collecting and analyzing participants' evaluative expressions in situated assessment
- 2011 - 2014 Development of training method to enhance problem-oriented discussion skills through integration of sympathetic and logical aspect of thinking
- 2011 - 2013 Development of tool and method for enhancing note-taking skills for collaborative learning
- 2010 - 2012 Construction of an Educational Curriculum System for Gerontology Education Plan in School Education
- 2010 - 2012 Model of learning problem solving across the curriculum : Based on the educational philosophy of the teacher
- 2010 - 2011 Research on alternative formative assessment from social Constructivist's views of capability
- 2009 - 2010 天文学習における空間認識能力の向上を目的とした地球儀型学習教材の開発
- 2008 - 2010 Research of method supports multivoiced lesson planning/revision for collaborative faculty development
- 2008 - 2009 Research on the expression of scientific notices in Living Environment Studies (Seikatsuka)
- 2007 - 2009 Practical research on support and assessment of collaborative learning in project-based learning
- 2007 - 2009 Development of career education programs in science class
- 2005 - 2007 Development of a method and an educational system that support skill of"to be persuaded" based on interactive view of persuasion
- 2002 - 2002 理科授業における思考の異質性の検討と異質性を生かした授業開発
- 2000 - 2000 ネットワークを活用した協同学習の工夫(2)
- 1999 - 1999 ネットワークを活用した協同学習の工夫
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Papers (141):
Yoshihiko KUBOTA, Shoko MATSUMINE, Hideo FUNAOI, Hideyuki SUZUKI. Development and Pilot Study of a Checklist to Evaluate Reliability of Scientific Claims. Journal of Science Education in Japan. 2024. 47. 4. 509-522
H. Suzuki, H. Funaoi, Y. Kubota. Discussion-Historiogram: Enhancing Memory of a Problem-solving-oriented Discussion by Reflection Using Historical Representation. Proceedings of 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI2023). 2023. 7942-7949
H. Suzuki, H. Funaoi, Y. Kubota, T. Mochizuki, H. Kato. Enhancing Empathic Understanding of Hostile Others in Preparation of Persuasive Presentation through Enacting Hostile's Life Episode. Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 2861-2869. 2023. 2861-2869
Takehiro WAKIMOTO, Hiroshi SASAKI, Ryoya HIRAYAMA, Toshio MOCHIZUKI, Brendan EAGAN, Natsumi YUKI, Hideo FUNAOI, Yoshihiko KUBOTA, Hideyuki SUZUKI, Hiroshi KATO. Changes of Microteaching Performances by Tangible Puppetry Teaching Simulation: Analized by Epistemic Network Analysis. Japan Journal of Educational Technology. 2023. 47. 2. 309-324
MISC (106):
角田 幸太郎, 大西 鮎美, 寺田 努, 加藤 浩, 葛岡 英明, 久保田 善彦, 鈴木 栄幸, 塚本 昌彦. 遠隔授業の質向上に向けた顔映像と心拍情報に基づく対面授業と遠隔リアルタイム授業の比較調査. 2021. 2021. 1. 363-373
Analysis on Discourse of Microteaching with a Tangible Learning System through Puppet Shows. 2019. 19. 2. 91-98
Development and Evaluation of Software that Understands "Movement of the Sun and Shadows". 2019. 19. 1. 193-198
近藤杏祐, 加藤浩, 大西鮎美, 寺田努, 葛岡英明, 久保田善彦, 鈴木栄幸, 塚本昌彦. Comparative Evaluation on Labeling Methods; Hand-operated, Self-assessment, and Sensor-based Estimation, for Estimating Participants’ Expression in Discussions. 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. 2019. 119. 236(ET2019 32-46)(Web)
Developing a system that visualizes mutual helping activity based on the concept of bi-directional debt in order to form the foundation of learners' intelligent association. 2017. 42. 29-38
Lectures and oral presentations (94):
How do you work Computational Thinking? : The case of Cooking Optimization
(日本教育工学会研究報告集 2018)
(日本科学教育学会年会論文集(CD-ROM) 2017)
Development of a tangible learning system that supports role-play simulation and reflection by playing puppet shows
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 2017)
A Study of Microteaching Practice Using a Tangible Puppetry Role-Play System with Three Dimentional Multivoiced Perspective Taking
(Research report of JET Conferences 2016)
A Study of Learning Support for Astronomy Education Based on Embodied Design
(JSSE Research Report 2016)
Education (4):
- 2003 - 2006 兵庫教育大学大学院連合学校教育学研究科博士課程 教科教育実践学専攻
- 2001 - 2003 Joetsu University of Education Graduate School of Education
- 1989 - 1991 Tokyo Gakugei University Graduate School of Education
- 1985 - 1989 東京学芸大学 教育学部 初等理科教員養成課程
Professional career (1):
Work history (11):
- 2019/04 - 現在 Tamagawa University
- 2013 - 2015 Utsunomiya University Faculty of Education
- 2015 - Utsunomiya University Graduate School of Education
- 2010 - 2013 Joetsu University of Education Graduate School of Education
- 2009 - 2013 兵庫教育大学 大学院 連合学校教育学研究科
- 2010 - 2011 上越教育大学 学校教育研究科(研究院) 准教授
- 2007 - 2010 Joetsu University of Education Graduate School of Education
- 2006 - 2007 Joetsu University of Education Graduate School of Education
- 2004 - 2006 茨城県つくば市立並木小学校 教諭
- 1997 - 2004 茨城県つくば市立吾妻中学校 教諭
- 1991 - 1997 茨城県牛久市立牛久第三中学校 教諭
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Committee career (13):
- 2020/07 - 現在 日本科学教育学会 代議員
- 2016 - 2020/07 日本科学教育学会 理事
- 2017 - 2018 日本科学教育学会 選挙管理委員会
- 2014 - 2018 日本科学教育学会 代議員
- 2012 - 2017 日本理科教育学会 「理科教育学研究」編集委員
- 2014 - 2016 日本科学教育学会 広報委員会
- 2014 - 2016 日本科学教育学会 編集委員会
- 2015 - 日本理科教育学会 理事
- 2015 - 日本理科教育学会 「理科の教育」編集委員会
- 2010 - 2014 日本科学教育学会 理事
- 2007 - 2012 日本理科教育学会 「理科教育学研究」編集委員会
- 2009 - 2010 日本科学教育学会 特別編集部会
- 2006 - 2010 日本科学教育学会 年会企画委員
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Awards (8):
- 2019/10 - HAI2019 Best poster award
- 2019/07 - 公益財団法人 学習情報研究センター 2019年度第35回学習デジタル教材コンクール〔学情研賞〕受賞 天文教育MRシューティングゲーム
- 2019/06 - EdMedia + Innovate Learning 2019 Outstanding Paper Award Developing social capital among learners in collaborative learning through introducing yet another exchange system based on the concept of “bi-directional debt
- 2017 - 第33回学習デジタル教材コンクール 学情研賞 月の満ち欠けAR
- 2015 - 日本教育工学会 論文賞 個人活動とグループ活動間の往復を可能にするタブレット型思考支援ツールの開発
- 2014 - 日本科学教育学会 年会発表賞 調べた学習を比較・整理し,変化を発見する授業のデザイン-小学校3年総合的な学習の時間「自然がいっぱい!船岡山」の実践から-
- 2011 - 日本科学教育学会 科学教育実践賞 Kneading Board協調学習支援システムの開発と実践
- 2011 - 東レ理科教育賞受賞 理科教育賞(佳作) 地上視点を自由に操作できる天文学習用地球儀
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