Research field (4):
Experimental psychology
, Cognitive sciences
, Sensitivity (kansei) informatics
, Soft computing
Research keywords (9):
connectionist model
, Experimental Psychology
, メロディ知覚
, bimusical
, 音楽心理学
, 認知科学
, 調性的体制化
, 神経科学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
2019 - 2022 音楽認知の文化差の生起機序:その神経基盤,脳計算,発達過程の総合的検討
2015 - 2020 音楽認知能力の習得を支える神経基盤とその処理メカニズムに迫る
2014 - 2015 How do our brains handle two different musical schemas?: a computational modeling and neuroimaging approaches
2011 - 2014 Investigation of music perception processing: Suggestions from Neuroimaging, computational modeling, and cross-culture approaches
2010 - 2011 Bi-musicalな聞き手の音楽認知処理とその神経基盤
2007 - 2010 音楽認知過程の普遍的特性の解明とそれを基盤とした神経回路網モデルの提案
Cues in perceiving a key of a melody
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Papers (17):
Rie Matsunaga, Pitoyo Hartono, Koichi Yokosawa, Jun-ichi Abe. The Development of Sensitivity to Tonality Structure of Music. Music Perception. 2020. 37. 3. 225-239
Matsunaga, R, Hartono, P, Yokosawa, K, Abe, J. The development of sensitivity to tonality structure of music: Evidence from Japanese children raised in a simultaneous and unbalanced bi-musical environment. Music Perception. 2019
Matsunaga, R, Yasuda, T, Johnson-Motoyama, M, Hartono, P, Yokosawa, K, Abe, J. A cross-cultural comparison of tonality perception in Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Indonesian, and American listeners. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain. 2018. 28. 3. 178-188
Rie Matsunaga, Pitoyo Hartono, Jun-ichi Abe. The acquisition process of musical tonal schema: implications from connectionist modeling. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY. 2015. 6
Matsunaga Rie, Jun-ichi Abe. Musically enculturated our brains: Implications from bi-musical study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY. 2016. 51. 855-855
Matsunaga, R, Yokosawa, K, Seki, D, Anbo, S, Jun-ichi Abe. Tonality Perception of Bi-musical Listeners: an MEG Study. Proceedings of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual meeting 2011. 2011