J-GLOBAL ID:201301008644342842   Update date: May. 06, 2024

Yoshitake Nobuhiko

Yoshitake Nobuhiko
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (7):
  • 2021 - 2025 Denmark as a innovative welfare state
  • 2018 - 2023 ノーベル文学賞と日本 1958-1968年-日本人候補選考をめぐる政治力学
  • 2005 - 2007 The EU Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe and Referendums : From the Viewpoint of Democratic Control of Foreign Policies
  • 1999 - 2001 Changing Dynamics in Northem Europe : NATO and EU Enlargement
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MISC (12):
  • YOSHITAKE Nobuhiko. International Politics of the Nobel Prize: The Nobel Prize in Literature and Japan, the Nomination and Selection of Yukio Mishima 1963-1968. 2023. 25. 4. 39-54
  • 吉武 信彦. ロシアのウクライナ侵攻と北欧諸国 : EU、NATOをめぐる政策転換の背景と今後. 改革者 / 政策研究フォーラム [編]. 2022. 63. 10. 22-25
  • 吉武 信彦. ノーベル賞の国際政治学 : ノーベル文学賞と日本、西脇順三郎をめぐる推薦と選考 1958~1968年-International Politics of the Nobel Prize : The Nobel Prize in Literature and Japan, the Nomination and Selection of Junzaburo Nishiwaki 1958-1968. 地域政策研究 / 高崎経済大学地域政策学会 [編]. 2022. 24. 4. 1-23
  • Nobuhiko YOSHITAKE. Referendums in the European Integration Process : A Case Study Focusing on the Nordic Countries. 地域政策研究. 2021. 23. 4. 37-62
  • Nobuhiko Yoshitake. International Politics of the Nobel Prize : The Nobel Prize in Literature and Japan, the Nomination and Selection of Junichiro Tanizaki 1958-1965. 2020. 22. 4. 29-50
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