Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
2020 - 2023 地域性に基づいた住宅および医療・福祉分野の連携による居住支援システムの構築
2013 - 2015 Barrier-free maintenance issues to enable people with disabilities to access the castle for sightseeing
2009 - 2011 A condition of the barrier-free maintenance in the castle Based on a difference of the publicity of welfare of handicapped persons and the cultural properties protection
2001 - 2002 A Study on Characteristic of Habitation and Right, and Sustainability of Living in Preservation Area
Papers (6):
広谷 大助, 岡田 高嘉, 荻田 信二郎, 吉田 倫子. 大学基礎セミナーIの取り組み. 県立広島大学大学教育実践センター紀要 = Bulletin of Center for University Education Prefectural University of Hiroshima. 2021. 1. 41-49
Proposing a new educational method focusing on social work practicum based on students' needs. 2019. 4. 69-76
Practice and issues of cooperation with students in regional problem solving research. 2019. 4. 95-101
YOSHIDA Noriko, UEMURA Nobuyuki, UTAKA Yushi. 705 A Study on process of the city formation of Onomichi city through the analysis of the distribution of historic buildings. Proceedings of annual research meeting Chugoku Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ). 2014. 37. 581-584
UEMURA Nobuyuki, YOSHIDA Noriko, UTAKA Yushi. 706 A Study on the characteristic of the historic buildings of Onomichi city. Proceedings of annual research meeting Chugoku Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ). 2014. 37. 585-588
YOSHIDA Munehito, UEMURA Nobuyuki, YOSHIDA Noriko, UTAKA Yushi. 6004 Comparison of preservation consciousness in preservation district for groups of historic buildings : A case study of Takehara preservation district for groups of historic buildings. 2012. 52. 329-332
宇高 雄志, 吉田 倫子. Traditional Houses and Elders : Challenges and Prevention of Home Injuries on Aging Society. 豊かな高齢社会の探求 調査研究報告書. 2009. 17. 26p