Research keywords (2):
Foundations of mathematics
, Analytic Philosophy
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2021 - 2026 Revisiting ordinal notation systems in proof theory: from the viewpoint of linear logic
2019 - 2021 完全性の観点からの証明論的意味論の研究
2016 - 2019 ゲンツェンの証明論的手法を用いたブラウワーの知識論および言語論の再構築
2014 - 2016 ゲンツェンの無矛盾性証明への直観主義からの影響およびその哲学的興味
Papers (22):
Natsuki Murakami, Mana Ishida, Yuta Takahashi, Hitomi Yanaka, Daisuke Bekki. Knowledge Injection for Disease Names in Logical Inference between Japanese Clinical Texts. Proceedings of the 5th Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop. 2023. 108-117
Daisuke Bekki, Ribeka Tanaka, Yuta Takahashi. Integrating Deep Neural Networks with Dependent Type Semantics. Logic and Algorithms in Computational Linguistics 2021 (LACompLing2021). 2023. 261-284
Mizuki Iinuma, Sora Tagami, Yuta Takahashi, Daisuke Bekki. Neural DTS: A hybrid NLI system combining two procedural approaches. 2023
Hina Kosaihira, Yuta Takahashi, Daisuke Bekki. Implementation of Anaphora Resolution Using the Refine Tactic of Coq. Abstract Booklet of the 2023 Workshop on Proof Theory and its Applications. 2023
Yuta Takahashi. TARB書評: 飯田隆(編)『知の教科書 論理の哲学』. Tokyo Academic Review of Books. 2021. 35. 1-1
Mitsuhiro Okada, Yuta Takahashi. A Remark for the Use of a Path Ordering with an Algebra and a Howard-Style Interpretation of Lambda for Termination Proofs of Typed Rewrite Systems. Informal Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Rewriting Logic and its Applications (WRLA 2020). 2020. 157-171
Implementation of Anaphora Resolution Using the Refine Tactic of Coq
(2023 Workshop on Proof Theory and its Applications 2023)
Towards an Interpretation of Inaccessible Sets in Martin-Löf Type Theory with One Mahlo Universe
(TYPES 2023: 29th International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs 2023)
Japanese Association for the Contemporary and Applied Philosophy
, The Japan Association for Logical Philosophy
, 人工知能学会
, 言語処理学会