Research field (2):
Hygiene and public health (laboratory)
, Gerontological and community health nursing
Research keywords (2):
, Children of parents with a mental illness
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
2018 - 2021 精神疾患の親をもつ思春期の子どもの健やかな育成支援プログラムの開発
2020 - 精神疾患のある親と暮らす学齢期の子と家族を支える多機関協働の基盤整備に関する研究
2018 - 親と子(当事者の同胞)で学ぶアウトリーチ型精神疾患心理教育プログラムの開発と導入
Family Members Coping with a Relative with Mental Illness
Papers (5):
Yoshie MATSUDA, Kyoko TANONAKA, Atsushi SATO, Tsuyuko SHIZU, Akira KUMATORIYA, Ryo TAKATA, Yukimi TANAKA. Required elements for continued counseling of carers and varied methods of counseling - According to a survey for carers of people with mental disabilities and social withdrawals -. 2023. 第2集. 57-76
Sachiko TSUCHIDA, Yoshimi ENDO. Support for Children of parents with mental illness in Germany - The case of CHIMPS program -. Journal of The Faculty of Health Science Bukkyo University. 2015. 9. 71-83
Japanisch-deutsche Forscher und Unterstützer tauschen sich mit Dr. Silke Wiegand-G aus - Unterstützung für Kinder mit psychisch kranken Eltern und deren Familien