Research field (1):
Philosophy - Chinese, Indian, Buddhist
Research keywords (3):
, 大乗仏教
, サンスクリット写本
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2017 - 2023 A Comprehensive Study of Vasubandhu's Vyakhyayukti
2016 - 2023 『楞伽経』第2章のサンスクリットテキスト校訂ならびに訳注、思想研究
2018 - 2022 サンスクリット写本研究の国際的ネットワークの新構築-『楞伽経』を基盤として
2011 - 2013 Annotated Translastion of a Treatise by Vasuvbandhu: Focusing on Chapter 2 of the Vyakhyayukti
Papers (56):
Horiuchi Toshio. Textcritical Remarks on the Sanskrit Text of the Rāvaṇādhyeṣanāparivarta, vv. 32-44, of the Laṅkāvatārasūtra. Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies. 2024. 72. 3. (85)-(92)
Toshio Horiuchi. What are the “Purposes” of Buddhist Sūtras? From Vasubandhu’s Logic of Exegesis (Vyākhyāyukti). Journal of Indian Philosophy. 2023. 51. 4. 539-566
Toshio Horiuchi. Madhyamaka vs. Yogācāra: A Previously Unknown Dispute in Vimalamitra’s Commentary on the Heart Sūtra. Religions. 2023. 14. 3. 327-327
Toshio Horiuchi. Disputed Emptiness: Vimalamitra’s Mādhyamika Interpretation of the Heart Sutra in the Light of His Criticism on Other Schools. Religions. 2022. 13. 11
HORIUCHI Toshio. Revisiting Some Topics on the Proof of the Mahāyāna’s Authenticity in the Tarkajvālā. 2024. 11. 178(61)-138(101)
HORIUCHI Toshio. A Controversy Between Non-Existence and Existence as Found in Vimalamitraʼs Commentary on the Heart Sūtra: Vimalamitra as a Mādhyamika. 2024. 61. 167(284)-184(267)
世親の阿含経解釈 : 『釈軌論』第2章訳註 = Vasubandhu's exegesis of the Āgamas : an annotated Japanese translation of chapter 2 of the Vyākhyāyukti
インド学仏教学叢書編集委員会,山喜房佛書林 (発売) 2016 ISBN:9784796302715