J-GLOBAL ID:201301080396423060
Update date: Jul. 29, 2024
Kajino Naotaka
カジノ ナオタカ | Kajino Naotaka
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Basic analysis
Research theme for competitive and other funds (10):
- 2022 - 2027 Analysis, geometry and their interplays on fractals and stochastic processes on them
- 2021 - 2024 Study of Analysis and Geometry of complex spaces
- 2018 - 2024 メビウス変換のなす離散群の作用で不変なフラクタルにおけるラプラシアンの解析学
- 2018 - 2023 分野横断的視点によるフラクタル及びその上の確率過程の解析・幾何
- 2017 - 2020 Relation between structure of spaces and analysis
- 2015 - 2018 特異的幾何学構造に由来する微分作用素とその確率論的対応物に対する数学解析
- 2014 - 2017 Relation between algebra, geometry and analysis on fractals
- 2012 - 2016 Randomness in number theory
- 2013 - 2015 フラクタル上の測度論的リーマン構造に対する幾何学・解析学の展開
- 2008 - 2010 フラクタル上のラプラシアンの構成と測度論的リーマン構造の研究
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Papers (16):
Naotaka Kajino. An elementary proof that walk dimension is greater than two for Brownian motion on Sierpiński carpets. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. 2022. 55. 1. 508-521
Naotaka Kajino, Mathav Murugan. On the conformal walk dimension: quasisymmetric uniformization for symmetric diffusions. Inventiones mathematicae. 2022. 231. 1. 263-405
Naotaka Kajino. On Singularity of Energy Measures for Symmetric Diffusions with Full Off-Diagonal Heat Kernel Estimates II: Some Borderline Examples. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. 2022. 394. 223-251
Naotaka Kajino. The Laplacian on some self-conformal fractals and Weyl's asymptotics for its eigenvalues: A survey of the analytic aspects. Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Integrable Probability - Fukuoka 2019, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics. 2021. 87. 293-314
Naotaka Kajino, Mathav Murugan. On singularity of energy measures for symmetric diffusions with full off-diagonal heat kernel estimates. The Annals of Probability. 2020. 48. 6. 2920-2951
MISC (6):
Naotaka Kajino. Energy measures for diffusions on fractals: a survey. Analysis and Partial Differential Equations on Manifolds, Fractals and Graphs. 2021. 119-142
Naotaka Kajino. フラクタルの無限/有限分岐性. 数学セミナー. 2020. 2020. 3. 45-45
Naotaka KAJINO. 熊谷隆氏のHumboldt 賞受賞によせて. 数学通信. 2018. 23. 1. 16-21
KAJINO Naotaka. Analysis on fractals. 2017. 2017. 3. 19-25
Kajino Naotaka. Continuity and estimates of the transition density of the Liouville Brownian motion (Symposium on Probability Theory). RIMS Kokyuroku. 2015. 1952. 38-45
Lectures and oral presentations (118):
(多分野交流会 2024)
On singularity of p-energy measures among distinct values of p for some p.-c.f. self-similar sets
(Analysis on fractals and networks, and applications 2024)
On singularity of p-energy measures among distinct values of p for some p.-c.f. self-similar sets
(Seminaire de Probabilites commun ICJ/UMPA 2024)
Geometric Laplacians on self-conformal fractal curves in the plane
(French Japanese Conference on Probability & Interactions 2024)
On singularity of p-energy measures among distinct values of p for some p.-c.f. self-similar sets
(UBC Probability Seminar 2024)
Education (1):
- - 2010 京都大学 大学院情報学研究科博士後期課程修了
Professional career (2):
- 修士(情報学) (京都大学)
- 博士(情報学) (京都大学)
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