J-GLOBAL ID:201401001169517317
Update date: Nov. 05, 2024
Sugai Philip
スガイ フイリツプ | Sugai Philip
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Business administration
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
- 2008 - 2011 A Study of the Impact of Information and Communication Technology with Emphasis on the Contributions to Global Environmental Problems
- 2005 - 2006 モバイルインターネットが企業のブランドエクティに及ぼす影響のモデル化
- 2003 - 2004 モバイルインターネット上における消費者動向モデルの調査
Papers (16):
Philip Sugai, Wong Wai Khuen, Dhiyan Arini. Impact and Value Measurement - A Way Forward. DBS Discussion Paper Series. 2023. 23. 4. 1-64
Philip Sugai, Gautam Mahajan. Measuring Value Created for and by Stakeholders. Journal of Macromarketing. 2023. 027614672311744-027614672311744
Philip Sugai, Reyn Koizumi, Nicholas Linnan, Satanan Phattanaprayoonvong, Jakkraphan Phetharn. A Value Model for Responsible Business. DBS Discussion Paper Series. 2022. DBS-21-01
Philip Sugai. The Definition, Identification and Eradication of Value Washing. Journal of Creating Value. 2021. 7. 2. 165-169
Philip Sugai, Satanan Phattanaprayoonvong, Jakkraphan Phetharn, Masato Yamazaki. Valuing Value: A synthesis of global sustainability frameworks to establish objective and transparent goals to measure value for a firm, its shareholders, customers, employees, partners, society and the planet. DBS Discussion Paper Series. 2021. DBS-21-01. 1-156
MISC (6):
Waste vs. Challenge! Consumer Insights and Strategic Implications of Unused Technology Product Capabilities and Features. Kindai management review. 2014. 2. 106-117
Koeder Marco Josef, Mohammed Upal, Sugai Philip. Study of consumer attitudes towards connected reader devices in Japan based on the decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior. Economics & management series. 2011. 2011
Philip Sugai, Marco Koeder, Ludovico Ciferri. The Six Immutable Laws of Mobile Business. The Six Immutable Laws of Mobile Business. 2009. 1-201
Sugai Philip. IECPレポート Google Android and Wireless Ecosystem. 智場. 2008. 112. 121-126
KIM N. N., Sugai Philip. Willingness to Pay for Service Attributes in the Japanese Digital Content Market. BMC Physiol. 2006. 6. 1-9
Books (12):
オルタナ - サステナブル・ビジネス・マガジン 2022
Building value through marketing : a step-by-step guide
Routledge 2021 ISBN:9780367472863
Suntory: Rebranding the Japanese Whisky Highball
Ivey Business Publishing 2020
Nestlé KITKAT in Japan (D): A Trajectory For Future Growth
Ivey Business Publishing 2019
Nestlé KITKAT in Japan (C): Power of The Postal Service
Ivey Business Publishing 2019
Lectures and oral presentations (9):
Empowering SMEs: Blockchain & AI for Sustainable Stakeholder Value
(Science Summit of the United Nations General Assembly 79 2024)
Significance of AI Application in Value Models
(Symposium to discuss the potential of ESG assessment by AI 2024)
Moving Forward with ESG: Scoring for Value Creation
(IAFOR Global Innovation and Value Summit 2023 (GIVS2023) 2023)
How Purpose, Value, and Impact Will Drive a Sustainable Post-SDG Future (250301)
(Science Summit at the United Nations General Assembly (SSUNGA78) 2023)
The Value Model and its Potential in Business
(GIVS Symposium 2022 2022)
Education (3):
- 2003 - 2006 Waseda University Graduate School of Global Information and Telecommunication Studies
- 1994 - 1996 New York University Stern School of Business Marketing Marketing & Operations Management
- 1987 - 1991 Tufts University Economics
Committee career (2):
- 2020 - 現在 Journal of Creating Value Editorial Board
- 2019 - 現在 International Academic Forum (IAFOR) International Academic Advisory Board
Association Membership(s) (1):
International Academic Forum (IAFOR)
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