J-GLOBAL ID:201401003948247523
Update date: Dec. 09, 2024
Tada Mikiko
タダ ミキコ | Tada Mikiko
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Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Neuroanatomy and physiology
Research keywords (4):
, TDP-43
, Neuropathology
, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
2022 - 2025 Analysis of pathological dynamics of membrane-less organelles in SALS
2021 - 2024 扁桃体腫大を伴う側頭葉てんかんの病態背景の解明と新規治療法の開発
2019 - 2022 DEAD box RNA helicases are involved in sporadic ALS pathology
2017 - 2020 Study of pathogenesis caused by hypouricemia in multiple system atrophy
2017 - 2019 Elucidation of abnormal accumulation of DDX17 in motor neuron of ALS
2015 - 2017 Analysis of polyglutamine aggregation protein in ALS/FTLD
2014 - 2017 Calcium-signaling abnormality of polyglutamine diseases
2014 - 2016 Analysis of RNA binding proteins in polyglutamine disease
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Papers (62):
Misako Kunii, Hitaru Kishida, Mikiko Tada, Mitsuo Okamoto, Keiichiro Asano, Haruko Nakamura, Keita Takahashi, Shunta Hashiguchi, Shun Kubota, Masaki Okubo, et al. A case report of an individual with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease characterized by prolonged isolated thalamic lesions and rare MM2-cortical-type pathology. BMC neurology. 2024. 24. 1. 456-456
Haruko Nakamura, Hiroshi Doi, Yosuke Miyaji, Taishi Wada, Erisa Takahashi, Mikiko Tada, Hiromi Fukuda, Atsushi Fujita, Yuichi Higashiyama, Yuri Nagao, et al. Hereditary spastic paraplegia and extensive leukoencephalopathy: a case report of a unique phenotype associated with a GJB1/Cx32 p.Pro174Ser variant. BMC neurology. 2024. 24. 1. 310-310
Takuya Ikeda, Keita Takahashi, Minatsu Higashi, Hiroyasu Komiya, Tetsuya Asano, Akihiro Ogasawara, Shun Kubota, Shunta Hashiguchi, Misako Kunii, Kenichi Tanaka, et al. Lateral olfactory tract usher substance (LOTUS), an endogenous Nogo receptor antagonist, ameliorates disease progression in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis model mice. Cell death discovery. 2023. 9. 1. 454-454
Taishi Wada, Hiroshi Doi, Masaki Okubo, Mikiko Tada, Naohisa Ueda, Hidefumi Suzuki, Wakana Tominaga, Haruki Koike, Hiroyasu Komiya, Shun Kubota, et al. RNA foci in two bi-allelic RFC1 expansion carriers. Annals of neurology. 2023
古宮 裕泰, 竹内 英之, 小笠原 陽大, 高橋 慶太, 田中 健一, 多田 美紀子, 土井 宏, 田中 章景. ミクログリアに対するインフラマソームを介したシポニモドの抗炎症作用. 神経免疫学. 2022. 27. 1. 187-187
MISC (7):
釘本 千春, 多賀須 むつき, 古宮 裕泰, 酒井 竜一郎, 多田 美紀子, 上木 英人, 児矢野 繁, 城倉 健, 土井 宏, 田中 章景. 成長ホルモン投与により一定期間、高次脳機能・ADLを維持し得た4H症候群の1例. 神経治療学. 2017. 34. 6. S227-S227
多賀須 むつき, 古宮 裕泰, 多田 美紀子, 植松 絵里, 田中 健一, 上木 英人, 児矢野 繁, 田中 章景. 四肢筋力低下で発症したMcLeod症候群の55歳男性例. 臨床神経学. 2017. 57. 6. 332-332
古宮 裕泰, 多田 美紀子, 石戸 淳一, 多賀須 むつき, 田中 健一, 上木 英人, 児矢野 繁, 田中 章景. IgG4関連ニューロパチーと鑑別を要した家族性アミロイドポリニューロパチー(ATTR-FAP)の71歳男性例. 臨床神経学. 2016. 56. 12. 886-886
國井 美紗子, 田中 健一, 多田 美紀子, 窪田 瞬, 東山 雄一, 上木 英人, 児矢野 繁, 高橋 幸利, 田中 章景. 脳炎後難治性てんかんの意識消失発作に対し免疫療法が有効で抗NMDAR抗体の関与が示唆された症例. 神経免疫学. 2015. 20. 1. 133-133
Shunta Hashiguchi, Takayuki Momoo, Yoko Murohashi, Masanao Endo, Megumi Shimamura, Takashi Kawasaki, Sachie Kanada, Akinori Nozawa, Mikiko Tada, Shigeru Koyano, et al. Interleukin 10 Level in the Cerebrospinal Fluid as a Possible Biomarker for Lymphomatosis Cerebri. INTERNAL MEDICINE. 2015. 54. 12. 1547-1552
Professional career (1):
博士(医学) (横浜市立大学)
Work history (3):
2015 - Yokohama City University
Yokohama City University School of Medicine Medical Course , Neurology and Stroke Medicine Assistant Professor
Yokohama City University Hospital Neurology Assistant Professor
Awards (1):
2018/04 - 公益信託「生命の彩」ALS研究助成基金 生命の彩
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