J-GLOBAL ID:201401006309379310
Update date: Sep. 15, 2022
Sugiyama Katsuyuki
Sugiyama Katsuyuki
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Affiliation and department:
Kyoto University
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Papers (25):
Shigenori Seki, Katsuyuki Sugiyama, Tatsuya Tokunaga. Superconformal Symmetry in Linear Sigma Model on Supermanifolds. Nuclear Physics B. 2006. 753. 3. 295-312
N Nakayama, K Sugiyama. Construction of supergravity backgrounds with a dilaton field. PHYSICS LETTERS B. 2005. 607. 3-4. 306-316
N Nakayama, K Sugiyama. N=2 supersymmetric sigma models and D-branes. PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 2004. 70. 6. 066003-1-066003-13
H Shin, K Sugiyama, K Yoshida. Partition function and open/closed string duality in type IIA string theory on a pp-wave. NUCLEAR PHYSICS B. 2003. 669. 1-2. 78-102
N Nakayama, K Sugiyama, K Yoshida. Ground state of the supermembrane on a pp wave. PHYSICAL REVIEW D. 2003. 68. 2
Books (1):
吉岡書店, 2001
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