J-GLOBAL ID:201401011872331379   Update date: Aug. 04, 2024


Affiliation and department:
Job title: Assistant Professor
Research field  (3): History of thought ,  Theoretical economics ,  Philosophy and ethics
Research keywords  (7): equality ,  citizenship ,  市民像/市民権 ,  labour and improvement ,  labour theory of value ,  pre- and post-enlightenment ,  materialism
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (4):
  • 2023 - 2027 The significance of English Enlightenment in the history of ideas - an interdisciplinary study on its diffusiveness and acceptance
  • 2019 - 2023 Interdisciplinary Approach to English Enlightenment - in Search of the Restoration of "Open Public Reason"
  • 2018 - 2021 シティズンシップの政治思想史に向けて ジョン・ロックにおける政治的成員資格の概念
  • 2010 - 2012 近代国家/国家間システムの動態 プーランザス国家論のアクチュアリティ
Papers (18):
  • Masanori KASHIWAZAKI. [In Japanese] Japanese Immigration "Control" Regime: Interrogationg de Facto Immigration Policy and Systematized Human Rights Abuse. Political Economy Quarterly (Japan Society of Political Economy). 2023. 60. 2. 6-20
  • Masanori KASHIWAZAKI. [In Japanese] Sketching an Intellectual History of Labour and Freedom: More, Locke, and Marx. The Annual Report of the Robert Owen Association (Japan). 2023. 47. 80-100
  • Masanori KASHIWAZAKI. [In Japanese] The Masses as the Self-Forming Material: the Young Marx on Hegelian History of Philosophy and Materialism. Materialism (Tokyo Yuibutsuron Kenkyukai). 2022. 96. 133-147
  • Masanori KASHIWAZAKI. [Open Access] Improvement as the Foundation of Liberty: Locke on Labour, Equality, and Civic Membership. Locke Studies. 2022. 21. 56-87
  • Masanori KASHIWAZAKI. [In Japanese, Open Access] Representation of Bourgeois Society and the Capitalist Mode of Production: Marx’s Reading of John Locke. Political Economy Quarterly (Japan Society of Political Economy). 2021. 58. 3. 62-73
MISC (6):
  • 柏崎 正憲. ジョン・ロック(山田園子訳)『寛容書簡』. イギリス哲学研究. 2024. 47. 101-103
  • 柏崎 正憲, 隅田 聡一郎. マルクス、ブロック、史的唯物論. マルクス研究会年誌. 2022. 5. 94-113
  • Masanori KASHIWAZAKI. 『イギリス18世紀のコモンウェルスマン 自由主義思想の伝播と発展』(キャロライン・ロビンズ著、田中秀夫訳). 2022. 46. 237-240
  • 柏崎 正憲. 新自由主義国家をめぐる神話に抗して ラルフ・ミリバンド『現代資本主義国家論』. 三宅芳夫、菊池恵介編『近代世界システムと新自由主義グローバリズム 資本主義は持続可能か?』作品社. 2014
  • 柏崎 正憲. 対抗的近代〈counter-modernities〉ナショナリズムの起源と流行 B. アンダーソン『比較の亡霊』. 小沢弘明、三宅芳夫編『移動と革命 ディアスポラたちの「世界史」』論創社. 2012
Books (5):
  • Climate Leviathan: A Political Theory of Our Planetary Future
    Horinouchi Publishing 2024 ISBN:9784911288023
  • Workers Unite! The International 150 Years Later
    Otsuki Shoten Publishers 2023 ISBN:9784272432004
  • Marx, Renouvier, et l'histoire du matérialisme
  • Metahistory: The Historical Imagination in Nineteenth-Century Europe
    2017 ISBN:9784861822988
  • Nicos Poulantzas, la topologie de forces. Vers une théorie de l'État dans le capitalisme mondial (écrit en japonais)
    2015 ISBN:9784905497356
Lectures and oral presentations  (22):
  • [In Japanese] Utility Moralised and the New Elements of Work Ethics: Francis Bacon and John Locke
    (The 48th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for British Philosophy 2024)
  • [In Japanese] The First International and Cesar de Paepe
  • [In Japanese] The Labour Theory of Value and the Roles of Money: Marx on Petty and Locke
    (The 71st Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Political Economy 2023)
  • [In Japanese] Autonomy and Independence as a Key to the English Enlightenment
    (The 17th John Locke Conference in Japan 2023)
  • The Young Marx’s Materialism and the Self-Formative Nature of Humankind
    (International Conference: The Birth of Ideology Theory and the 21st Century 2023)
Education (2):
  • 2012 - 2013 Philipps-Universität Marburg Fachbereich 03: Gesellschaftswissenschaften und Philosophie
  • 2009 - 2012 Tokyo University of Foreign Studies Graduate School of Global Studies
Professional career (1):
  • PhD (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
Work history (10):
  • 2024/04 - 現在 Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Social Sciences / Faculty of Social Sciences Assistant Professor
  • 2022/04 - 現在 Rikkyo University College of Economics Part-time Lecturer
  • 2013/04 - 現在 Waseda University School of Human Sciences Part-time Lecturer
  • 2022/04 - 2024/03 Takasaki City University of Economics Faculty of Economics Part-time Lecturer
  • 2021/04 - 2024/03 Tokyo University of Foreign Studies World Language and Society Education Centre Part-time Lecturer
Show all
Awards (2):
  • 2023/05 - The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought Incentive Award Improvement as the Foundation of Liberty: Locke on Labour, Equality, and Civic Membership
  • 2020/10 - The Society for the History of Social Thought Incentive Award
Association Membership(s) (7):
The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought ,  Tokyo Yuiken (Society for the Study of Materialism, Tokyo) ,  Japan Society of Political Economy ,  Japanese Society for British Philosophy ,  Marx Society of Japan ,  John Locke Society (Japan) ,  The Society for the History of Social Thought (Japan)
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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