J-GLOBAL ID:201401015400222873   Update date: May. 19, 2024

Watabe Minaho

ワタベ ミナホ | Watabe Minaho
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Japanese language education
Research keywords  (4): 漢字教育 ,  音声教育 ,  教授法 ,  日本語教育学
MISC (14):
  • WATABE Minaho, FUJITA Tomoyo, INOMATA Yukimi, MAEHARA Kaoru, MASUDA Mariko. Observation of a Task to Classify the Reading of Kango words of Chinese Origin by Intermediate Learners from Chinese Backgrounds (2) : Focusing on the Effects of the Preceding Task and the Use of Known Words. Journal of Japanese language education methods. 2016. 22. 3. 92-93
  • WATABE Minaho, FUJITA Tomoyo, MAEHARA Kaoru, MASUDA Mariko. Using Video Recording Data to Identify the Difficulties in Reading Kango Faced by Intermediate Learners from Chinese Backgrounds. Journal of Japanese language education methods. 2015. 22. 2. 50-51
  • FUJITA Tomoyo, MAEHARA Kaoru, WATABE Minaho, NOGUCHI Masaki, MASUDA Mariko. Development of a "Listening Comprehension Task" Focusing on Words of Chinese Origin, Designed for Students from Chinese Backgrounds. Journal of Japanese language education methods. 2015. 22. 1. 46-47
  • FUJITA Tomoyo, WATABE Minaho, MASUDA Mariko, MAEHARA Kaoru, SOEJIMA Akio, NOGUCHI Masaki, KIKUCHI Yasuto. Course Design for Assisting Students from Chinese Background to Relearn Kanji Readings. Journal of Japanese language education methods. 2014. 21. 1. 54-55
  • NOGUCHI Fumi, WATABE Minaho, TAGAWA Yukinori. How teachers not specialized in pronunciation use materials to stimulate awareness of pronunciation in comprehensive Japanese classes: Analysis of students' responses. Journal of Japanese language education methods. 2014. 21. 1. 50-51
Lectures and oral presentations  (10):
  • 漢字圏学習者における日本語の漢語の読みの学習プロセス-読みが「h/p/b」となるケースの協働学習の観察から-
    (2015年度日本語教育学会春季大会 2015)
  • 中級漢字圏学習者向け教材「4日でマスター日本語の漢字音」の開発
    (2014年度日本語教育学会秋季大会 2014)
  • 総合日本語クラスにおける音声を専門としない教師の音声指導の実践-実践記録とインタビューから-
    (2014年度日本語教育学会春季大会 2014)
  • 台湾人大学生の会話における表現形式の習得の現状-中国語と日本語の会話作成調査結果から-
    (2014年度大葉大學應用日語學習國際學術研討會「東亞的文化文學信仰」 2014)
  • 総合日本語クラスで音声を専門としない教師はどのように音声指導を行い、学習者はどう受け止めたか-学習者の意識化を促すための教材を使用して-
    (日本語教育方法研究会 2014)
Association Membership(s) (3):
台灣日本語文學會 ,  Japanese Language Education Methods ,  THE SOCIETY FOR TEACHING JAPANESE AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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