J-GLOBAL ID:201401017808576250
Update date: Feb. 10, 2025
オギハラ テッペイ | OGIHARA Teppei
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Other affiliations (1):
Homepage URL (2):
Research field (2):
Applied mathematics and statistics
, Basic mathematics
Research keywords (4):
Nonsynchronous Observations
, High-Frequency Financial Data
, Malliavin Calculus
, Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 2021 - 2026 ジャンプを含む確率過程の複雑な観測データに対する統計解析と新しい学習理論への応用
- 2019 - 2021 Local asymptotic mixed normality for discretely observed diffusion processes
- 2015 - 2019 Machine Learning Theories on functional spaces and there applications to high-frequency financial data analysis
- 2015 - 2018 Statistical Inference for stochastic processes and application to high-frequency financial data
Papers (16):
Teppei Ogihara, Mitja Stadje. Efficient drift parameter estimation for ergodic solutions of backward SDEs. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. 2024. 51. 3. 1181-1205
Masaaki Fukasawa, Teppei Ogihara. Malliavin Calculus Techniques for Local Asymptotic Mixed Normality and Their Application to Hypoelliptic Diffusions. Bernoulli. 2024. 30. 2. 983-1006
Teppei Ogihara, Yuma Uehara. Local Asymptotic Normality for Ergodic Jump-Diffusion Processes via Transition Density Approximation. Bernoulli. 2023. 29. 3. 2342-2366
Teppei Ogihara. Asymptotically efficient estimation for diffusion processes with nonsynchronous observations. Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science. 2023. 6. 505-550
Teppei Ogihara. Misspecified diffusion models with high-frequency observations and an application to neural networks. Stochastic processes and their applications. 2021. 142. 245-292
Patents (1):
Lectures and oral presentations (70):
Efficient drift parameter estimation for ergodic solutions of backward SDEs
(Time Series Random Fields and beyond Fall School / Ulm University / Ulm 2024)
Local asymptotic normality for jump-diffusion processes with discrete observations
(The Eighth Asian Quantitative Finance Conference(AQFC) / national taipei university of technology / Taipei 2024)
Analyzing high-frequency stock price data and learning volatility using neural networks
(Asia-Pacific Association of Finance 2024 / Busan International Finance Center / Busan 2024)
Malliavin calculus techniques for local asymptotic mixed normality and their application to hypoelliptic diffusions
(DYNSTOCH 2024 / Kiel University / Germany 2024)
Local asymptotic normality for discretely observed jump-diffusion processes
(Stochastic Analysis and Statistics 2024 / University of Tokyo / Tokyo 2024)
Education (3):
- 2011 - 2012 University of Tokyo Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences
- 2007 - 2009 University of Tokyo Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences
- 2005 - 2007 University of Tokyo Department of Mathematics
Professional career (1):
- Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences (University of Tokyo)
Work history (7):
- 2019/04 - 現在 The Institute of Statistical Mathematics Risk Analysis Research Center
- 2019/04 - 現在 University of Tokyo The Graduate School of Information Science and Technology Department of Mathematical Informatics Associate Professor
- 2016/04 - 2019/03 The Institute of Statistical Mathematics Department of Mathematical Analysis and Statistical Inference Assistant Professor
- 2015/10 - 2019/03 Japan Science and Technology Agency PRESTO Researcher
- 2014/07 - 2016/03 The Institute of Statistical Mathematics School of Statistical Thinking Assistant Professor
- 2012/07 - 2014/06 Osaka University Center for the Study of Finance and Insurance Project Assistant Professor
- 2009/04 - 2012/06 Mitsubishi UFJ Trust investment Technology Institute Co., Ltd. Researcher
Show all
Committee career (6):
Awards (2):
- 2021/09 - 日本応用数理学会論文賞 JJIAM部門 Asymptotic error distributions of the Euler method for continuous-time nonlinear filtering
- 2019/09 - 日本統計学会 第1回 ISI 東京大会記念奨励賞
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 日本金融・証券計量・工学学会 (JAFEE)
, Bernoulli Society
, The Securities Analysts Association of Japan
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