Ryuta Hirai, Tomohiro Ohta, Mitsunobu Igari, Yu Kumazaki, Misaki Iino, Tomomi Aoshika, Yasuhiro Ryuno, Satoshi Saito, Takanori Abe, Shin-Ei Noda, et al. Optimal Number of Needle Applicators Inserted in Combined Intracavitary and Interstitial Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer. Anticancer Reserch. 2023. 43. 7. 3265-3271
Takanori Abe, Misaki Iino, Satoshi Saito, Tomomi Aoshika, Yasuhiro Ryuno, Tomohiro Ohta, Mitsunobu Igari, Ryuta Hirai Y U Kumazaki, Y U Miura, Kyoichi Kaira, et al. Comparison of the Efficacy and Toxicity of Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy and Durvalumab and Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy Alone for Locally Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer With N3 Lymph Node Metastasis. Anticancer Research. 2023. 43. 2. 675-682
A New Concept of a Mixed Reality-guided Intraoperative Visual Support System for Combined Intracavitary and Interstitial Brachytherapy for Cervical Cancer
(American Brachytherapy Society 2023 Annual Conference 2023)