J-GLOBAL ID:201401039245161745
Update date: Oct. 22, 2021
Yamamoto Takeshi
Yamamoto Takeshi
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Affiliation and department:
Kyoto University
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Papers (27):
Taichi Inagaki, Takeshi Yamamoto. Critical Role of Deep Hydrogen Tunneling to Accelerate the Antioxidant Reaction of Ubiquinol and Vitamin E. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B. 2014. 118. 4. 937-950
Hiroshi Nakano, Takeshi Yamamoto. Accurate and Efficient Treatment of Continuous Solute Charge Density in the Mean-Field QM/MM Free Energy Calculation. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION. 2013. 9. 1. 188-203
Hiroshi Nakano, Takeshi Yamamoto. Including charge penetration effects into the ESP derived partial charge operator. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS. 2012. 546. 80-85
Hiroshi Nakano, Takeshi Yamamoto. Variational calculation of quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical free energy with electronic polarization of solvent. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 2012. 136. 13
Taichi Inagaki, Takeshi Yamamoto, Shigeki Kato. Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer of the Phenoxyl/Phenol Couple: Effect of Hartree-Fock Exchange on Transition Structures. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY. 2011. 32. 14. 3081-3091
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