J-GLOBAL ID:201401046211970977   Update date: Jul. 17, 2024

Yoshizawa Hikaru

ヨシザワ ヒカル | Yoshizawa Hikaru
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL  (1): http://www.kansai-u.ac.jp/Fc_law/staff/post_8.html
Research field  (1): International relations
Research keywords  (5): International Relations ,  Global Political Economy ,  EU ,  competition policy ,  regional integration
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (4):
  • 2021 - 2024 コロナ危機とEU国家補助規制の変容ーガバナンスの観点からの分析
  • 2018 - 2023 流動化するグローバルなリベラル秩序におけるEUと日本:地域間研究の拠点形成
  • 2017 - 2021 EUの規範パワーの持続可能性に関する実証研究
  • 2017 - 2020 安全保障アクターとしてのEUと日本
Papers (8):
  • Yoshizawa, H. Sources of the European Union's regulatory influence on digital platform firms: Lessons from three Google antitrust cases. Contemporary European Politics. 2024. 2. e13
  • 国家補助規制の分野における欧州委員会のパンデミック対応 -危機によって政策形成過程はどう変容したか. 日本EU学会年報. 2024. 44. 112-132
  • 吉沢 晃. EU競争政策の正統性と消費者の役割-集団損害賠償請求制度案の失敗を事例として. 日本EU学会年報. 2019. 39. 153-172
  • Hikaru Yoshizawa. Encouraging policy convergence while enhancing inclusive membership? A challenge for the ICN as a transgovernmental network. Journal of Next Generation Forum. 2017. 2. 45-67
  • YOSHIZAWA, Hikaru. The International Dimension of EU Competition Policy: Does Regional Supranational Regulation Hinder Protectionism?. PhD thesis (ULB and University of Geneva). 2016
MISC (10):
  • 吉沢晃. 欧州議会選挙と筆頭候補制-正統性の観点からの分析. ワセダアジアレビュー. 2020. 22. 46-50
  • 吉沢晃. 教育実践報告「EU政治に関する討論中心型授業の実践報告-政治の危機をどう教育の機会として活かすか」. 同志社大学学習支援・教育開発センター年報. 2019. 10. 85-94
  • 吉沢晃. WTOにおける競争法制定失敗の政治過程-EUの役割を中心に. ワセダアジアレビュー. 2018. 20. 71-76
  • Hikaru Yoshizawa. Experiencing European Integration: Transnational Lives and European Identity. POLITICAL STUDIES REVIEW. 2017. 15. 2. 321-321
  • Hikaru Yoshizawa. Transnationalization and Regulatory Change in the EU's Eastern Neighbourhood: Ukraine between Brussels and Moscow. JCMS-JOURNAL OF COMMON MARKET STUDIES. 2016. 54. 6. 1514-1515
Books (9):
  • 福田耕治編『EU・欧州統合の新展開とSDGs』
    成文堂 2023
  • European Union Competition Policy versus Industrial Competitiveness: Stringent Regulation and its External Implications
    Routledge 2021
  • 市川顕・髙林喜久生編『EUの規範とパワー』
    中央経済社 2021
  • 坂本治也・石橋章市朗編『ポリティカル・サイエンス入門』
    法律文化社 2020
  • Weyembergh, A. and Telò, M. (eds) Supranational Governance at Stake: The EU's External Competences Caught between Complexity and Fragmentation
    Routledge 2020
Lectures and oral presentations  (34):
  • The EU's regulatory influence on digital platform firms: lessons from three Google antitrust cases
    (ULB-Kansai University Workshop "EU/European Policies and Their Implications for Inter-regional Relations"(於 ULB, ベルギー) 2024)
  • EUの市場支配的地位濫用規制とデジタル・プラットフォーム事業者
    (関西EU研究会(於 甲南大学) 2023)
  • 国家補助規制の分野における欧州委員会のパンデミック対応 -危機によって政策形成過程はどう変容したか-
    (日本EU学会2023年度研究大会(於 愛知大学) 2023)
  • 欧州委員会の優先課題と EU 競争政策の接点
    (国際政治統合研究会(於 同志社大学) 2023)
  • The EU's Abuse of Dominance Control and Digital Platform Providers
    (EU-Japan Forum 2023(於 ULB, ベルギー) 2023)
Education (4):
  • 2011 - 2016 Erasmus Mundus GEM PhD School (double doctoral degree program) Free University of Brussels (ULB) & University of Geneva
  • 2010 - 2011 University of Bristol MSc in European Governance
  • 2008 - 2010 Waseda University Graduate School of Political Science MA in Global Political Economy
  • 2004 - 2008 Waseda University School of Political Science and Economics BA in Political Science
Professional career (4):
  • BA in Political Science (Waseda University)
  • MA in Global Political Economy (Waseda University)
  • MSc in European Governance (University of Bristol (UK))
  • PhD in Political Science (Double Degree) (Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) & University of Geneva)
Work history (8):
  • 2020/04 - 現在 Kansai University Faculty of Law
  • 2023/09 - 2024/03 Aadjunct lecturer, School of International Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University
  • 2018/04 - 2020/03 Faculty of Policy Studies, Doshisha University Assistant Professor
  • 2017/09 - 2018/03 Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Seikei University
  • 2017/09 - 2018/03 Adjunct lecturer, School of Education, Waseda University
Show all
Awards (2):
  • 2024/04 - 日本EU学会 EU研究奨励賞(政治分野)
  • 2011/10 - Erasmus Mundus Doctoral Fellowship (3 years)
Association Membership(s) (4):
European Union Studies Association Japan ,  Japan Association of International Relations ,  グローバル・ガバナンス学会 ,  UACES (University Association for Contemporary European Studies)
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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