Kayo Iizuka, Yoshitaka Taguchi, Chihiro Suematsu. Considering cultural issues of erp system utilization: A company-based perspective. Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation. 2014. 8. 205-220
Iizuka, K, Takei, Y, Nagase, R, Suematsu. Satisfaction Structure Analysis of ERP Implementation Effect: Viewpoint from the Characteristics of Japanese Firms. The International Journal of Business and Information (IJBI). 2014. 9. 1
Iizuka, K, Okawada, T, Tsubone,M, Iizuka,Y, Suematsu, C. Issues about Inter-organizational Process Flow Adjustment in Business Process Modeling, Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation. LNBIP Springer. 2013. 53. 24-41
Pitfalls during application and commercialization of researches
(Kyoto Stem Cell, Smart Materials & Innovation, The Second Nakatsuji Award Ceremony 2015)
(SS勉強会 2015)
SME’s Strategy for “Winner Takes all” in a Global Open Economy; Lessons from Kyoto Style Management
(The 2nd Asian SME Conference 2014)
Human Talents and Organizational Culture of Kyoto-style Companies
(Creative Economy and Creative Humans; Convergence on Global ICT 2014)