J-GLOBAL ID:201401049595239106
Update date: Sep. 20, 2022
Takanosawa Minako
タカノサワ ミナコ | Takanosawa Minako
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Affiliation and department:
Jichi Medical University School of Medicine
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Detailed information
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Research keywords (12):
, 前庭神経核
, 培養嗅神経細胞
, アポトーシス
, 嗅神経細胞
, 有毛細胞
, カルシウムポンプ
, グルココルチコイドレセプター
, 球形嚢
, 行動異常
, 耳石
, 卵形嚢
MISC (11):
Takanosawa Minako. Glucocorticoid reseptor expression in olfactory epitheloum. The Japanese journal of taste and smell research. 2011. 18. 2. 125-131
NISHINO Hiroshi, TAKANOSAWA Minako, OTA Yasushi, ISHIKAWA Toshio, KIMURA Tokitugu, IKEDA Saeko, SEJIMA Takayuki, MAKINO Nobuko, SAITOU Tizu, ICHIMURA Keiichi. Results of Skull Base Surgery without Craniotomy for Maxillary Sinus Cancer with Invasion of the Base of the Middle Portion of the Skull. 2008. 47. 1. 16-20
高野澤 美奈子. 嗅上皮におけるグルココルチコイドのアポトーシス誘導. 日本鼻科学会会誌. 2008. 47. 1. 65-67
ICHIMURA Keiichi, TAKANOSAWA Minako, ISHIKAWA Toshio, SEJIMA Takayuki, SHINOZAKI Takeshi. A Case of Dentigerous Cyst Undergoing Transnasal Endoscopic Cystectomy. 2005. 44. 2. 151-155
ICHIMURA Keiichi, ISHIKAWA Kotaro, TAKANOSAWA Minako, TAKIZAWA Katsumi, MATSUO Hiromichi. Experience in cartilage palisade tympanoplasty. Otology Japan. 2005. 15. 3. 227-233
Work history (1):
2005 - 2006 Jichi Medical University School of Medicine
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