J-GLOBAL ID:201401056941434138   Update date: Sep. 04, 2024

Ohkubo Hidenori

オオクボ ヒデノリ | Ohkubo Hidenori
Homepage URL  (1): http://www.yokohama-cu.ac.jp/fukuhp/section/central_section/endoscope.html
Research field  (1): Gastroenterology
Research keywords  (4): Chronic constipation ,  Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction ,  難治性疾患 ,  シネMRI
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (2):
  • 2015 - 2017 Establishment of new decompression therapy for chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction
  • 2013 - 2015 Establishment of novel diagnostic method for CIPO and elucidation of the pathology
Papers (80):
  • Takaomi Kessoku, Noboru Misawa, Hidenori Ohkubo, Atsushi Nakajima. Current Treatment Practices for Adult Patients with Constipation in Japan. Digestion. 2024. 105. 1. 40-48
  • Hidenori Ohkubo, Takaomi Kessoku, Kosuke Tanaka, Kota Takahashi, Tomohiro Takatsu, Tsutomu Yoshihara, Noboru Misawa, Keiichi Ashikari, Akiko Fuyuki, Shingo Kato, et al. Efficacy and safety of rifaximin in patients with chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase II-a exploratory trial. Bioscience of microbiota, food and health. 2024. 43. 2. 135-144
  • Tomohiro Takatsu, Noboru Misawa, Tsutomu Yoshihara, Keiichi Ashikari, Takaomi Kessoku, Hidenori Ohkubo, Kunihiro Hosono, Masato Yoneda, Satoru Saito, Atsushi Nakajima, et al. Prior appendectomy and cerebral infarction as potential risk factors for recurrent ischemic colitis: A retrospective observational study. JGH open : an open access journal of gastroenterology and hepatology. 2023. 7. 8. 559-566
  • Kosuke Tanaka, Hidenori Ohkubo, Atsushi Yamamoto, Kota Takahashi, Yuki Kasai, Anna Ozaki, Michihiro Iwaki, Takashi Kobayashi, Tsutomu Yoshihara, Noboru Misawa, et al. Natural History of Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-obstruction and Need for Palliative Care. Journal of neurogastroenterology and motility. 2023. 29. 3. 378-387
  • Takuma Higurashi, Keiichi Ashikari, Shigeki Tamura, Yusuke Saigusa, Tomohiro Takatsu, Noboru Misawa, Tsutomu Yoshihara, Tetsuya Matsuura, Akiko Fuyuki, Hidenori Ohkubo, et al. Leukotriene Receptor Antagonist Therapy for the Chemoprevention of Human Rectal Aberrant Crypt Foci: Nonrandomized, Open-Label, Controlled Trial. Cancer prevention research (Philadelphia, Pa.). 2022. 15. 10. 661-668
MISC (148):
  • 吉原努, 日暮琢磨, 高津智弘, 三澤昇, 芦苅圭一, 松浦哲也, 冬木晶子, 大久保秀則, 馬場隼一, 來生知, et al. Treatment of periodontal disease reduces Fusobacterium nucleatum in feces. 日本消化管学会雑誌. 2021. 5. Supplement
  • 吉原努, 日暮琢磨, 中島淳, 高津智弘, 三澤昇, 芦苅圭一, 大久保秀則, 馬場隼一, 來生知, 臼田春樹, et al. 歯周病治療が与える便や大腸腫瘍のF.nucleatumへの影響. 日本消化器病学会雑誌(Web). 2021. 118
  • 中島淳, 三澤昇, 吉原務, 大久保秀則, 結束貴臣, 日暮琢磨. Recent advances in the understanding and treatment of the defecation disorders in the elderly people. 月刊老年内科. 2021. 3. 3
  • 吉原努, 野上麻子, 高津智弘, 三澤昇, 芦苅圭一, 松浦哲也, 冬木晶子, 大久保秀則, 日暮琢磨, 中島淳. The Relationship between Colorectal Cancer and Gut Microbiota: New Trends in Colorectal Cancer Research into Fusobacterium nucleatum. 腸内細菌学雑誌. 2021. 35. 1
  • 永井康貴, 高津智弘, 吉原努, 三澤昇, 芦苅圭一, 大久保秀則, 中島淳. 多発性骨髄腫の化学療法に起因したと思われる蛋白漏出性胃腸症の1例. 日本消化器病学会関東支部例会プログラム・抄録集. 2021. 363rd
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(医学) (横浜市立大学)
Work history (1):
  • Yokohama City University Hospital Endoscopy Center Assistant Professor
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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