Research keywords (24):
, ピエゾ抵抗
, 低速電子顕微鏡
, 有機無機複合薄膜
, 有機無機複合膜
, 自己検知
, マイクロ・ナノデバイス
, 膜型表面応力センサー(MSS)
, 膜型表面応力センサー(Membrane-type Surface stress Sensor, MSS)
, 有限要素解析(Finite Element Analysis, FEA)
, 走査プローブ顕微鏡
, カンチレバーアレイ
, カンチレバーセンサー
, ナノバイオ
, 有限要素解析
, バイオセンサー
, 構造最適化
, 高感度
, 高感度化
, 表面・界面物性
, 低温物性
- 2024/03 - The Science and Technology Promotion Foundation of Ibaraki Tsukuba Encouragement Prize
- 2020 - Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation Future Creating Invention Encouragement Award Invention of highly sensitive Membrane-type Surface stress Sensor (MSS) towards artificial olfaction
- 2019 - Japan Asscociation of Chemical Sensors, The Electrochemical Society of Japan Seiyama Prize Development of Membrane-type Surface stress Sensor (MSS) and Related Technology Systems
- 2018 - Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Prizes for Science and Technology (Development Category) Development of Highly Sensitive Olfactory Sensor and Related Technologies
- 2015 - NanotechJapan nano tech 2015, Research Project Award (Life Nanotechnology Award) New Sensor for Breath / Blood Diagnostics Using a Mobile Phone
- 2013 - The Science and Technology Promotion Foundation of Ibaraki Tsukuba Encouragement Prize Development of Highly Sensitive Membrane-type Surface stress Sensor (MSS)
- 2011 - The Japan Society of Vacuum and Surface Science The Best Poster Award Optimization of Piezoresistive Cantilever Sensors towards Highly Sensitive Membrane-type Surface Stress Sensor (MSS) ~ for medical, security, and environmental applications ~
- 2011 - The Vacuum Society of Japan Award for Encouragement of Research in Thin Films Nanomechanical Membrane-type Surface Stress Sensor (MSS) ~ for Medical, Biological, Security, and Environmental Applications ~
- 2008 - WPI-AIMR IFCAM The Best Poster Award Evaluation of sensitivity and selectivity of piezoresistive cantilever-array sensors
- 2008 - International Workshop on Nanomechanical Sensing The Best Poster Award Evaluation of Sensitivity and Selectivity of Piezoresistive cantilever-array sensors
- 2008 - Poster Award (WPI-AIMR & IFCAM Joint Workshop)
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, 日本物理学会
, The Japan Society of Applied Physics
, American Physical Society
, Spectroscopical Society of Japan
, American Vacuum Society
, 日本分光学会
, The Physical Society of Japan