J-GLOBAL ID:201401067201331078
Update date: Nov. 28, 2024
Terasawa Daiju
テラサワ ダイジユ | Terasawa Daiju
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Semiconductors, optical and atomic physics
Research keywords (19):
Quantum Point Contact
, スピンー軌道相互作用
, 普遍的伝導度ゆらぎ
, 弱局在
, graphene
, 2層系量子ホール効果
, 層間コヒーレンス
, 複合ボゾン
, quantum Hall states
, 2次元電子
, メゾスコピック系
, 半導体物性
, 超伝導ジョセフソン効果
, コヒーレンス
, ソリトン格子
, 強相関電子系
, 量子井戸
, 低温物性
, 2層系
Research theme for competitive and other funds (7):
Papers (54):
D Terasawa. Number of electrons in a homogeneous field using delta function normalization. Physica Scripta. 2024. 99. 12. 125118-125118
Daiju Terasawa, Shota Norimoto, Tomonori Arakawa, Meydi Ferrier, Akira Fukuda, Kensuke Kobayashi, Yoshiro Hirayama. Large Zeeman Splitting in Out-of-Plane Magnetic Field in a Double-Layer Quantum Point Contact. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 2021. 90. 2. 024709-024709
D. Terasawa, S. Norimoto, T. Arakawa, M. Ferrier, A. Fukuda, K. Kobayashi, Y. Hirayama. Conductance quantization and shot noise of a double-layer quantum point contact. Physical Review B. 2020. 101. 11
Shibun Tsuda, Shohei Mitani, Minh-Hai Nguyen, Daiju Terasawa, Akira Fukuda, Anju Sawada. Resistance peak shift and deviated Hall plateau driven by dynamic nuclear polarization in fractional quantum Hall states. Journal of the physical society of Japan. 2019. 88. 074707
Daiju Terasawa, Akira Fukuda, Akira Fujimoto, Yasuhide Ohno, Yasushi Kanai, Kazuhiko Matsumoto. Universal Conductance Fluctuation Due to Development of Weak Localization in Monolayer Graphene. Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research. 2019. 256. 6. 1800515
MISC (32):
寺澤大樹, 福田昭, 大野恭秀, 松本和彦. 架橋構造グラフェンナノデバイスによる谷自由度制御. 物質・デバイス領域共同研究拠点研究成果報告書(平成28年度) 基盤共同研究. 2017. 20161210
福田昭, 寺澤大樹, 金井康, 松本和彦. 磁場中における表面修飾グラフェンの量子輸送特性. 物質・デバイス領域共同研究拠点研究成果報告書(平成28年度) 基盤共同研究. 2017. 20161202
福田昭, 寺澤大樹, 金井康, 松本和彦. 分子吸着グラフェンの量子輸送特性とナノ構造デバイス. 物質・デバイス領域共同研究拠点研究成果報告書(平成27年度) 基盤共同研究. 2016. 2015374
寺澤大樹, 福田昭, 大野恭秀, 松本和彦. 宙吊りグラフェンシートを用いた谷自由度ナノデバイスの開発. 物質・デバイス領域共同研究拠点研究成果報告書(平成26年度) 基盤共同研究・. 2015. 2014379
Joiner Corey A., Jiang Yuxuan, Roy Tania, Hesabi Zohreh Razavi, Jiang Zhigang, Vogel Eric M. 8aAH-7 Weak Localization Effect in Ti-cleaned Graphene. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2014. 69. 2. 602-602
Patents (3):
Semiconductor device, method for manufacturing of semiconductor device, and switching circuit
Lectures and oral presentations (7):
Enhanced Zeeman Splitting in a Double-Layer Quantum Point Contact
(EP2SD-24: 24th International Conference on Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems 2021)
Spin Splitting Induced by Spin - Orbit Interaction in a Double-Layer Quantum Point Contact
(HQS2019: International Symposium on Hybrid Quantum Systems 2019 2019)
Universal Conductance Fluctuation due to development of Weak Localization in graphene
(ICPS2018: International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors 2018)
Conductance quantization and shot noise in a tunnel-coupled double row quantum point contact
(PASPS-9 : The 9th International Conference on Physics and applications of Spin-related Phenomena in Semiconductors 2016)
Resistance maxima and deviations from the quantized Hall value induced by dynamic nuclear polarization around the N=2/3 quantum Hall state
(ICPS2014: 32nd International Conference on Physics of Semiconductors 2014)
Education (3):
- 2002 - 2005 Tohoku University Graduate School of Science Department of Physics
- 2000 - 2002 Tohoku University Graduate School of Science Department of Physics
- 1996 - 2000 Tohoku University Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (1):
- Ph. D (Tohoku University)
Work history (4):
- 2020/10 - 現在 Hyogo College of Medicine
- 2013/10 - 現在 Kyoto University
- 2010/05 - 2020/09 Hyogo College of Medicine Faculty of Medicine
- 2018/07 - 2020/06 National Institute for Materials Science
Committee career (1):
- 2013/04 - 2014/03 日本物理学会 領域4運営委員会
Association Membership(s) (2):
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