ティーター, ジェニファー ルイーズ. Japan, the U.S., and ISIS- -a former U.S. Marine on ending the wars in Iraq. Kyoto Journal. 2015. 82. 1. 122-133
Jennifer Louise TEETER, Rachel COCKETT. Fire, Clay, and Community. Kyoto Journal. 2014. 82. 1
ティーター, ジェニファー ルイーズ. TBLT in university-level EFL academic writing in Japan focusing on the academic abstrac. OnTask- The Journal of the JALT Task Based Learning SIG. 2014. 4. 2. 9-20
Jennifer Louise TEETER. Making Academic Writing Meaningful With Wikipedia (Research-Oriented Long Presentation). JALT2015: 41st Annual International Conference on Language Teaching. 2015
Jennifer Louise TEETER. Self-Study Shadowing Program for Listening. JALT2015: 41st Annual International Conference on Language Teaching. 2015
Jennifer Louise TEETER. Strengthening English listening skills: The development of a self-study shadowing system for tablets and smart phones. FOREIGN LANGUAGE EDUCATION & TECHNOLOGY: Identities, Communities, and Technologies in Global Environments @ Harvard University. 2015
Jennifer Louise TEETER. Making EFL academic writing meaningful for undergraduates: A Wikipedia project based in Japan. FOREIGN LANGUAGE EDUCATION & TECHNOLOGY: Identities, Communities, and Technologies in Global Environments @ Harvard University. 2015
Jennifer Louise TEETER. “Engaging EFL writers in academic English writing classes through community contribution,. Kyoto JALT. 2014
"Japanese bicycles and permaculture in the Philippines: disposed bicycles find new lives in Cebu" in 「多文化のまなざし」
Eibunsha 2015
Education and spaces of, for, and by Ainu: Initiatives born out of the 2013 Aotearoa Ainumosir Exchange Program” In R. Miller, T. Ottman, H. Palmer, Z. Richie & D. Warchulski (Eds.), Peace as a Global Language: Peace and Welfare in the Global and Local C
Mizuyamasangyo 2015
Civil society and the engagement of a “not so lost” generation in Tohoku, Japan” in " Peace without Boundaries"
Sami-led indigenous and cultural education in Finland in Inari
Sustainable Shipping to Meet the Needs of Small Island Developing States
IGI Global: Hershey, Pennsylvania. 2013 ISBN:9781466651661
Lectures and oral presentations (5):
“Youth empowerment through the Aotearoa Ainumosir Exchange Program
(Kansai SIETAR Conference, Resilient Minorities in Japan 2014)
Volunteering with Peace Boat in Tohoku
(Doshisha Women’s University 2011)
Global English to Foster International Understanding
(Tamagawagakuen University 2007)
vercoming Stereotypes of Native Americans
(Toyama International University 2005)
Global English and Alternative Tourism
(Kanda University of International Studies)