J-GLOBAL ID:201401070184096273
Update date: Nov. 17, 2024
Watanabe Yasuaki
ワタナベ ヤスアキ | Watanabe Yasuaki
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (2):
Money and finance
, Public economics, labor economics
Research keywords (2):
Risk Factor Analysis
, Stochastic Volatility Model
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 2021 - 2022 コロナ禍等のブラック・スワン・イベントが発生した場合の資産運用戦略
- 2011 - 2014 Development of New Performance Measurements considered of Higher Order Moments
Papers (12):
渡辺 泰明, ランド ロー. 金融危機:Kurtosis指数の紹介. 近大マネジメント・レビュー. 2024. vol.12. 131-145
渡辺 泰明, ランド ロー. 金融危機:確率変動モデルと状態空間モデル. 近大マネジメント・レビュー. 2024. vol.12. 120-130
渡辺 泰明, リチャード・ ダッシャー. ソロー=コブ=ダグラス型生産関数の観点からAIの技術革新はいかに技術進歩に貢献したか?. 近大マネジメント・レビュー. 2022. Vol.10. 139-149
WATANABE YASUAKI. Public Pension Fund’s Asset Allocation in Terms of ALM and LDI -Evidence from Both GPIF and CalPERS-. A Collection of Research Papers to Commemorate 10-Year Anniversary of the Creative Management and Innovation Research Institute. 2022. 161-186
WATANABE YASUAKI. Empirical Analysis of Equity Return;in Terms of;Risk Factor;Based Asset Allocation;by Using SV Model;ARCH-Type Models. A Collection of Research Papers to Commemorate 10-Year Anniversary of the Creative Management and Innovation Research Institute. 2022. 135-160
MISC (4):
Watanabe Yasuaki. Comparison of Volatiltiy Estimation Models in Emerging Stock Markets. Annual report of the Economic Society,Tohoku University. 2004. 65. 3. 613-640
Watanabe Yasuaki. Predictability of Returns and Volatility Estimation in Emerging Stock Markets. Annual report of the Economic Society,Tohoku University. 2002. 64. 1. 21-46
Watanabe Yasuaki. Revitalization of the Japanese Economy. 2002. 3. 75-84
Watanabe Yasuaki. The Issues Related to Japanese Private Pensions and Their Desirable Future Reform Proposals. Annual report of the Economic Society,Tohoku University. 2000. 62. 1. 71-92
Books (4):
株式会社 エディト 2020
『The Recent Trend of Hedge Fund Strategies』
Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2010
『Economics of Emerging Markets』
Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2008
株式会社プリンテック 2003
Lectures and oral presentations (8):
(第28回金融市場予測学会 (於:レンヌ大学) 2023)
(JAFEE 2022 冬季大会 (於:東北大学) 2023)
(日本スタンフォード協会 定期総会 “特別講演” 2020)
Empirical Analysis of Equity Return in terms of Risk Factor based Asset Allocation by using SV Model and ARCH-Type Models
(32nd Australasian Finance Conference in New South Wales Univ. 2019)
The Estimation of Regime Switching Models in Monthly Returns of Equities by using Markov Switching Model and ARCH- type models.
(25th Forecasting Financial Markets in Oxford Univ. 2018)
Education (3):
- 1998 - 2001 Tohoku University Graduate School of Economics
- 1994 - 1996 International University of Japan International Management
- 1979 - 1983 Keio University Commercial Science
Professional career (1):
- Ph.D Business Administration (Tohoku University)
Work history (3):
- 2014/04 - 現在 Kindai University Faculty of Business Administration
- 2013/04 - 2014/03 Kindai University Institute for World Economy
- 2007/10 - 2013/03 Kochi University of Technology School of Management
Association Membership(s) (3):
American Finance Association
, Japanese Association of Financial Econometrics and Engineering
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