J-GLOBAL ID:201401070229777366
Update date: Jan. 30, 2024
Naoyuki Mori
モリ ナオユキ | Naoyuki Mori
Affiliation and department:
Research field (2):
, Social welfare
Research keywords (2):
, Speech Recognition
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- 2009 - 2014 Establishment of Information Communication System to Assist Disabled Students at Higher Education Institutions in Japan, China, and South Korea
Papers (4):
Mori Naoyuki. Construction of remote captioning support system with speech recognition. JOURNAL OF SHIZUOKA UNIVERSITY OF WELFARE. 2017. 13. 51-56
Problem Sorting and Redesigning of the Note-Taking System. 2015. 11. 107-114
An Evaluation of Note-taking Skills and the Development of Application Software for the Purpose of Technical Improvement. 2014. 10. 71-86
Mori Naoyuki. Construction of a Universal Information System for use in the Event of a Disaster. 2012
MISC (1):
Books (1):
Lectures and oral presentations (2):
(第4回国際ユニヴァーサルデザイン会議 2012 in 福岡 2012)
PSP字幕から垣間見る 情報保障の姿と今後
(情報処理学会 ソフトウェアジャパン2009 2009)
Works (4):
2012 -
森 直之 2006 -
森 直之 2003 -
森 直之
Work history (1):
- 2012/09 - 現在 Shizuoka University of Welfare Faculty of Social Welfare
Awards (1):
- 2012/10 - 国際ユニヴァーサルデザイン協議会 コミュニケーションデザイン部門 金賞 ゲーム機等を応用した情報保障スタイルの推進
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