Nishiyama Shinji. Ethnomethodology's Contribution to Political Science. 2016. 268. 268. 75-103
MISC (4):
NISHIYAMA Shinji. On the Shoulders of Giants : In what way Can We Utilize Parsons and Luhmann in Political Science?. 名古屋大学法政論集. 2017. 269. 53-74
Nishiyama Shinji. Rethinking Problematic and Foundation of the Theory of Political Culture(3) : Toward a Political Theory of Trust. The Nagoya journal of law and politics. 2011. 238. 51-100
Nishiyama Shinji. Rethinking Problematic and Foundation of the Theory of Political Culture(2) : Toward a Political Theory of Trust. The Nagoya journal of law and politics. 2010. 237. 63-108
Nishiyama Shinji. Rethinking Problematic and Foundation of the Theory of Political Culture(1) : Toward a Political Theory of Trust. The Nagoya journal of law and politics. 2010. 236. 201-244