Kie Ozaki, Reona Kato, Takaaki Yasuhara, Yuki Uchihara, Miyako Hirakawa, Yu Abe, Hiroki Shibata, Reika Kawabata-Iwakawa, Aizhan Shakayeva, Palina Kot, et al. Involvement of the splicing factor SART1 in the BRCA1-dependent homologous recombination repair of DNA double-strand breaks. Scientific Reports. 2024. 14. 1
Yu Abe, Yoshio Takashima, Miho Akiyama, Naohiro Tsuyama, Kai Takebayashi, Ryo Nakayama, Valerie S T Goh, Misaki Sugai-Takahashi, Lobna Alkebsi, Kotaro Ishii, et al. A preliminary report on retrospective dose assessment by FISH translocation assay in FDNPP Nuclear Emergency Worker Study (NEWS). Radiation protection dosimetry. 2023. 199. 14. 1565-1571
J-F. Barquinero, Y. Abe, N. Aneva, D. Endesfelder, D. Georgieva, VST. Goh, E. Gregoire, R. Hristova, Y. Lee, J-S. Martínez, et al. RENEB Inter-Laboratory Comparison 2021: The FISH-Based Translocation Assay. Radiation Research. 2023. 199. 6. 583-590
M. Port, J-F. Barquinero, D. Endesfelder, J. Moquet, U. Oestreicher, G. Terzoudi, F. Trompier, A. Vral, Y. Abe, L. Ainsbury, et al. RENEB Inter-Laboratory Comparison 2021: Inter-Assay Comparison of Eight Dosimetry Assays. Radiation Research. 2023. 199. 6. 535-555
D. Endesfelder, U. Oestreicher, M. Bucher, C. Beinke, C. Siebenwirth, E. Ainsbury, J. Moquet, G. Gruel, E. Gregoire, J.S. Martinez, et al. RENEB Inter-Laboratory Comparison 2021: The Dicentric Chromosome Assay. Radiation Research. 2023. 199. 6. 556-570
Anderson DA, Abe Y, Goh VST, Nakayama R, Takebayashi K, Tran TM, Fujishima Y, Nakata A, Ariyoshi K, Kasai K, et al. Cytogenetic biodosimetry in radiation emergency medicine: 5. The dicentric chromosome and its role in biodosimetry. Radiation Environment and Medicine. 2023. 12. 2. 121-139
阿左見祐介, 津山尚宏, 阿部悠, 高橋美咲, 工藤健一, 深見美和, 太田明伸, SIVASUNDARAM Karnan, 村松萌, 重村倫成, et al. Study for exploring myeloma-initiating cell using normal B cell-derived iPS cells. 日本血液学会学術集会抄録(Web). 2021. 83rd
坂井 晃, 柳 亜希, 津山 尚宏, 菅井 美咲, 阿部 悠, 柳井 祐佳理, 太田 明伸, Sivasundaram Karnan, 重村 倫成, 笹谷 めぐみ, et al. 正常Bリンパ球由来iPS細胞を用いた多発性骨髄腫の発生機序の解明に向けて(Attempt to elucidate the mechanism of development of multiple myeloma using iPS cells derived from normal B cells). International Journal of Myeloma. 2019. 9. 1. 82-82
Background Frequency of Chromosome Aberrations in Young Japanese and the Influence of Confounding Factors
(EPRBioDose2024 2024)
Recent understanding of biological effects of medical exposure
(The 8th International Symposium of the Network-type Joint Usage/Research Center for Radiation Disaster Medical Science 2024)
BRCA1 and splicing factor SART1 cooperatively promote the resection of DNA double-strand breaks
(The 46th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan 2023)
Possible involvement of radiation safety professionals in radiological emergency preparedness
Improvement of Chromosome Image Analysis Efficiency through Chromosome Morphology Control
(The 66th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Radiation Research Society 2023)
2023/10 - 2024/12 EPRBioDose2024 Local Organizing Committee member
2022/08 - 2024/03 高度被ばく医療支援センター連携会議 研修作業分科会
2020/04 - 2021/03 日本放射線影響学会 放射線災害時の線量推定に関する小委員会
2020 - 2020/10 日本放射線影響学会第63回大会 プログラム委員
Show all
Awards (3):
2019/01 - Network-type Joint Usage/Research Center for Radiation Disaster Medical Science Young Scientist Poster Awards Analysis of the number of chromosome aberrations induced by three consecutive CT examinations
2018/11/07 - 61th The Japanese Radiation Research Society Excellent Research Presentation Awards. Analysis of the number of chromosome aberrations induced by three consecutive CT examinations
2018/06/11 - IABERD poster Awards Construction of dose response curves for cytogenetic biodosimetry in the low dose range based on five persons
Association Membership(s) (3):
The Japanese Association for Radiation Accident/Disaster Medicine
, The Japanese Society of Radiation Safety Management
, The Japanese Radiation Research Society