J-GLOBAL ID:201401097672698229   Update date: Nov. 27, 2024

Katagiri Takamasa

カタギリ タカマサ | Katagiri Takamasa
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL  (1): http://kaken.nii.ac.jp/d/r/60621159.ja.html
Research field  (3): Internal medicine - General ,  Immunology ,  Hematology and oncology
Research keywords  (4): 臨床検査医学 ,  iPS細胞 ,  骨髄不全症 ,  骨髄移植
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (12):
  • 2023 - 2027 Creation of a disease model using iPS cells from patients with autoimmune bone marrow failure and elucidation of selective hematopoietic regulation
  • 2020 - 2023 Basal elucidation of hematopoietic control transformation by new immune avoidance mechanism in autoimmune bone marrow failure
  • 2017 - 2020 iPS細胞由来ヒト造血幹細胞を用いた自己免疫性造血不全の発症機序の解明
  • 2016 - 2019 治療関連骨髄性腫瘍の疫学的、分子生物学的研究
  • 2017 - 2018 6pLOH造血前駆細胞に対するNGS解析を用いた急性骨髄性白血病および骨髄異形成症候 群の新規治療標的の同定
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Papers (44):
  • Takamasa Katagiri, Rio Takahashi, Yoshitaka Zaimoku, Kohei Hosokawa, Seishi Ogawa, Yoshiyuki Takahashi, Takako Miyamura, Yasushi Onishi, Takashi Koike, Tetsuya Nishida, et al. Frequent loss of HLA-B*40:02 from leucocytes in male patients with hepatitis-associated aplastic anaemia. British Journal of Haematology. 2024. 205. 5. 2084-2088
  • Insights into clonal hematopoiesis and somatic loss of HLA class I allele in autoimmune bone marrow failure. Precision Medicine. 2024. 7. 7. 551-553
  • Characterizing hematopoiesis in Autoimmune bone marrow failure through patient-derived iPS cells. Bio Clinica. 2024. 39. 11. 96-98
  • Yoshitaka Zaimoku, Takamasa Katagiri, Noriharu Nakagawa, Tatsuya Imi, Hiroyuki Maruyama, Hiroyuki Takamatsu, Ken Ishiyama, Hirohito Yamazaki, Toshihiro Miyamoto, Shinji Nakao. HLA Class I Allele Loss and Bone Marrow Transplantation Outcomes in Immune Aplastic Anemia. Transplantation and Cellular Therapy. 2024. 30. 3. 281.e1-281.e13
  • Takamasa Katagiri, Hiroka Iwasaki, Atsushi Fujieda, Satomi Kasashima, Satoru Ozaki, Mizuho Uemori, Seishi Ogawa, Shinji Nakao. A case of hepatitis-associated aplastic anaemia following living-donor liver transplantation for fulminant hepatitis showing loss of heterozygosity in the 6p chromosome in the affected liver. British Journal of Haematology. 2023. 204. 2. 623-627
MISC (56):
  • 材木 義隆, 片桐 孝和, 中川 紀温, 井美 達也, 丸山 裕之, 高松 博幸, 石山 謙, 山崎 宏人, 宮本 敏浩, 中尾 眞二. HLA-B*40:02,A*02:06欠失を伴う免疫性再生不良性貧血の骨髄移植予後は良好である. 日本血液学会学術集会. 2023. 85回. 1346-1346
  • 岩崎 寛香, 上森 瑞穂, 材木 義隆, 細川 晃平, 中尾 眞二, 片桐 孝和. 肝炎関連再生不良性貧血におけるHLAクラスIアレル欠失血球の特徴. 日本血液学会学術集会. 2023. 85回. 316-316
  • 細川 晃平, Tran Dung Cao, 水牧 裕希, 鎧高 健志, 井美 達也, 丸山 裕之, 辻 紀章, 漆原 涼太, 田辺 命, 材木 義隆, et al. 再生不良性貧血におけるシクロスポリン非依存性の寛解には造血幹細胞の進化が必要である. 日本血液学会学術集会. 2023. 85回. 1347-1347
  • Yoshitaka Zaimoku, Hiroki Mizumaki, Takeshi Yoroidaka, Noriharu Nakagawa, Tatsuya Imi, Hiroyuki Maruyama, Mikoto Tanabe, Noriaki Tsuji, Ryota Urushihara, Kohei Hosokawa, et al. HLA Class I Allele-Specific Pathology Defines Clinical Manifestations of Immune Aplastic Anemia. BLOOD. 2022. 140
  • Yoshitaka Zaimoku, Hiroki Mizumaki, Tatsuya Imi, Kohei Hosokawa, Hiroyuki Maruyama, Takamasa Katagiri, Takeshi Yoroidaka, Noriharu Nakagawa, Mikoto Tanabe, Noriaki Tsuji, et al. The Copy Number of Disease-Associated HLA Alleles Predicts the Response to Immunosuppressive Therapy in Acquired Aplastic Anemia. Blood. 2021. 138. Supplement 1. 604-604
Patents (1):
  • PNH型白血球の検出方法
Lectures and oral presentations  (6):
  • A Cure for Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria Using Molecular Targeted Therapy Specific to a Driver Mutation.
    (57th American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting 2015)
  • Evidence that hematopoietic progenitor cells support long term hematopoiesis in humans.
    (第77回日本血液学会学術集会 2015)
  • Evidence That GPI-AP-Specific CTLs Are Not Involved In The “escape” Of PIGA mutant Hematopoietic Stem Cells In Aplastic Anemia.
    (55th American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting 2013)
  • Evidence that HSCs are redundant and only a limited number of HSCs support hematopoiesis in humans.
    (第75回日本血液学会学術集会 2013)
  • Individual Hematopoietic Stem Cells in Human Bone Marrow Stably Give Rise to Limited Cell Lineages.
    (53th American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting 2011)
Professional career (1):
  • 博士 (金沢大学)
Work history (3):
  • 2022/04 - 現在 Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Science, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Clinical Laboratory Sciences
  • 2011/11 - 2022/03 Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Science, Institute of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences, Clinical Laboratory Sciences
  • 2011/04 - 2011/10 金沢大学大学院医学系研究科 細胞移植学講座 博士研究員
Committee career (1):
  • 2021/09 - 2022/12 特定非営利活動法人 日本免疫学会 高校生物教育・教科書検討実行委員会委員
Awards (12):
  • 2024/06 - 財団法人 三谷研究開発支援財団 研究助成
  • 2023/10 - 日本血液学会 Best Poster Award
  • 2022/10 - 日本血液学会 Best Poster Award
  • 2017/09 - 公益財団法人 北國がん基金 研究活動部門 助成
  • 2015/09 - 公益財団法人 北陸銀行 若手研究 助成
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Association Membership(s) (8):
日本血液疾患免疫療法学会 ,  THE JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR IMMUNOLOGY ,  THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY ,  THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF HEMATOLOGY ,  日本PNH研究会 ,  International PNH Interest Group ,  International Society for Stem Cell Research ,  日本検査血液学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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