Natsuki Kagaya, Kazuya Sasaki, Hiroshi Mori, Miyoshi Ayama, Kenji Shoji, Tomoharu Ishikawa, Fubito Toyama. Simulating kimono fabrication based on the production process of yuki-tsumugi. SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 Posters, SA 2018. 2018
Sadayuki Abe, Hiroshi Mori, Fubito Toyama, Kenji Shoji. Corner estimation for 3D point cloud on convex polyhedral surfaces using Delaunay tetrahedralization. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. 2017. 128640
Saori Kurata, Hiroshi Mori, Fubito Toyama, Kenji Shoji. Shadowing and highlighting for colorized freehand line drawings based on reference images and users' preferences. Proceedings of the International Display Workshops. 2017. 2. 1099-1102
Xiangping Liu, Hiroshi Mori, Fubito Toyama, Kenji Shoji. Line drawing image segmentation using constrained delaunay triangulation. Proceedings of the International Display Workshops. 2017. 2. 1095-1098
Mori Hiroshi, Sugawara Yuuta, Toyama Fubito, Shoji Kenji. Real-time Avatar Motion Synthesis with Replacing Low-confidence Joint Pose. Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan. 2017. 22. 1. 19-26
An Interactive Approach for Computer Generated Papercutting based on Line Drawings. 2017. 41. 12. 331-334
Computer-Assisted Colorization to Freehand Line Drawings by Tablet for Sketch Scenes. 2017. 41. 12. 323-326
A proposal of papercutting pattern recommendation with neural network for general object recognition. 2017. 41. 12. 319-322
Nakadai Tomoya, Mori Hiroshi, Toyama Fubito, Shoji Kenji. I-029 A Gaze Animation Creating Support System Based on Evaluation of Viewer. 2015. 14. 3. 261-263
Hachiro Ryutaro, Abe Sadayuki, Mori Hiroshi, Toyama Fubito, Shoji Kenji. I-026 Shape reconstruction of convex objects from 3D point clouds using Delaunay tetrahedralization. 2015. 14. 3. 253-254