J-GLOBAL ID:201501007130437207
Update date: Aug. 01, 2022
Kawamoto Takashi
カワモト タカシ | Kawamoto Takashi
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Tokunin Kyoju (Professor by Special Appointment)
Papers (13):
川本 隆史. 〝ケア〟は猫を殺せても、哲学者の息の根を止められはしない--社会倫理学からのコメント. 竹下賢ほか編『法の理論33』. 2015. 147-165
川本 隆史. 正義とケアの編み直し--脱中心化と脱集計化に向かって. 東京大学教育学部カリキュラム・イノベーション研究会編『カリキュラム・イノベーション--新しい学びの創造へ向けて』. 2015
Takashi KAWAMOTO. Education for Justice and Caring. An Official Journal of the Japan Society for Law and Education. 2012. 2. 1. 103-112
Takashi KAWAMOTO. Cura Personalis and Renovatio Mundi: What I Learned from Three Jesuit Teachers. Studies in Catholic Education. 2011. 28. 44-51
Takashi KAWAMOTO. Social Ethics Facing with the Earthquake Disasters. Japanese Journal of Psychopathology. 2011. 32. 1. 3-6
Books (15):
A Theory of Justice, Revised Editio
Kinokuniya-shoten 2010
On Conviviality and Symbiosis
Iwanami-shoten 2008
Towards a Social Ethics of Care
Yuhikaku 2005
Selected Readings in Environmental Studies, Vol.1
Yuhikaku 2005
Lectures on Applied Ethics for Economics and Business
Iwanami-shoten 2005
Lectures and oral presentations (14):
(社会思想史学会第39回大会 2014)
(社会思想史学会第37回大会 2012)
Unthinking Justice and Care After the Great East Japan Earthquake: On Methods of Decentration and Disaggregation
(The Annual Meeting of the Agricultural Economics Society of Japan 2012 2012)
Education for Justice and Caring: With Continual Reference to John Rawls and Nel Noddings
(The 2nd Academic Meeting of the Japan Society for Law and Education 2011)
Omnes et singulatim: A Construction of Social Ethics of Justice and Care
(The 58th Annual Meeting of Tohoku Society for Sociology 2011)
Professional career (3):
- 文学士 (東京大学)
- 文学修士 (東京大学)
- 文学博士 (東京大学)
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