J-GLOBAL ID:201501011108220102
Update date: Feb. 01, 2024
Masamitsu Kurata
クラタ マサミツ | Masamitsu Kurata
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Other affiliations (2):
Sophia University
Graduate Degree Program of Applied Data Sciences
Associate Professor
Tohoku University
Research Center for Policy Design
Visiting Associate Professor
Research field (4):
Economic policy
, Agricultural and food economics
, Agricultural sociology
, Local studies
Research keywords (6):
, Satellite Data
, Geographic Information System
, 農村経済
, 所得格差
, 貧困
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
- 2023 - 2027 Mapping and analysis of abandoned farmland in Japan using open satellite data
- 2018 - 2022 インド・バングラデシュにおけるPM2.5暴露経路の解明と健康影響低減政策の研究
- 2017 - 2022 リモートセンシング・データを用いた国際協力事業の地理空間インパクト評価
- 2021 - 2022 2021年度新型コロナウイルス感染症にかかる地球観測衛星データの社会科学分野における有用性評価
- 2020 - 2021 2020年度新型コロナウイルス感染症にかかる地球観測衛星データの社会科学分野における有用性評価
- 2018 - 2021 日本農業と林業の衰退解決への経済学を用いた新しい提案の模索:食糧・環境・労働
- 2017 - 2018 地方創生に向けた農村工業化政策の長期的な政策評価分析
- 2010 - 2012 アジアの農村開発における貧困削減と経済格差に関する研究
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Papers (4):
Kurata Masamitsu, Takahashi Kazushi, Hibiki Akira. Gender differences in associations of household and ambient air pollution with child health: Evidence from household and satellite-based data in Bangladesh. World Development. 2020. 128. 104779-104779
Masamitsu Kurata, Noriatsu Matsui, Yukio Ikemoto, Hiromi Tsuboi. Do Determinants of Adopting Solar Home Systems Differ between Households and Micro-Enterprises? Evidence from Rural Bangladesh. Renewable Energy. 2018. 129. A. 309-316
Masamitsu Kurata, Noriatsu Matsui, Yukio Ikemoto, Hiromi Tsuboi. Multidimensional Impacts of Solar Home Systems: Evidence from Rural Bangladesh. Economics Bulletin. 2018. 38. 2. 995-1013
Masamitsu Kurata, Matsui Noriatsu, IKEMOTO Yukio Pk, Md. Motiur Rahman. Multidimensional Poverty Dynamics in Rural Bangladesh. Quarterly journal of Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization. 2012. 53. 2. 2-20
MISC (17):
倉田正充. 農村工業化政策の地域経済効果: 1970年~2010年の市町村パネルデータ分析. Sophia Discussion Paper Series. 2022. 21. 1
石本樹里, 倉田正充. 衛星データを用いた国際協力事業の効果検証:カンボジア水力発電所建設・改修事業の事例分析. 国際開発学会第30回全国大会報告論文集. 2019
倉田正充. 事業評価における人工衛星・GISデータの活用. 国際協力機構(JICA)事業評価年次報告書. 2019
Kurata Masamitsu, Takahashi Kazushi, Hibiki Satoshi. Gendered Impacts of Household and Ambient Air Pollution on Child Health: Evidence from Household and Satellite-based Data in Bangladesh. Data Science and Service Research Discussion Papers. 2019. 95
倉田正充, 相馬敬, 田中香. バングラデシュ初等教育における学力格差の要因分析. 国際開発学会第19回春季大会報告論文集. 2018. 9-23
Books (2):
Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance "Management Practices in the Public Sector of Bangladesh"
Springer 2018
Fiscal Decentralization and Development: Experiences of Three Developing Countries in Southeast Asia "Decentralization and Economic Development in Thailand: Regional Disparity in Fiscal Capacity and Educational Decentralization"
Palgrave Macmillan 2012 ISBN:9780230389601
Lectures and oral presentations (17):
Killing two birds with one stone: The long-term impact of rural industrial policy in Japan
(The 11th Asian Society of Agricultural Economists (ASAE) International Conference 2023)
(日本評価学会 第20回全国大会 2019)
(国際開発学会 第30回全国大会 2019)
Gendered Impacts of Household and Ambient Air Pollution on Child Health: Evidence from Household and Satellite-based Data in Bangladesh
(Sophia Research Workshop in Economics 2019)
Gendered Impacts of Household and Ambient Air Pollution on Child Health: Evidence from Household and Satellite-based Data in Bangladesh
(Western Economic Association International (WEAI) 15th International Conference 2019)
Professional career (3):
- 学士(農学) (東京大学)
- 修士(農学) (東京大学)
- 博士(農学) (東京大学)
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 国際開発学会
, 日本経済学会
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