2003 - 2005 Research on Algorithms in Discrete Convex Analysis
2003 - 2005 Establishment of Discrete Convexity Paradigm
2002 - 2004 Time series analysis for abnormality test and modeling of corrplex system and a study for the derived model from a view point of the theory of stochastic processes
2001 - 2003 離散最適化における準凸性の理論の構築と社会工学への応用
2001 - 2002 On Algorithms and Applications of Semidefinite Programming to Combinatorial Optimization
2000 - 2002 Exploitation of Applications of Discrete Convex Analysis
1999 - 2001 Application of the double exponential transform to integral transformations
1999 - 2001 Exact WKB analysis and microlocal analysis
1999 - 2000 生産システム設計への組合せ凸解析の応用
1998 - 2000 Discrete Optimization Algorithms based on Discrete Convex Analysis
1998 - 1999 Self-validating numerics with applications to computational science and technology
1997 - 1999 Systems Analysis by Valuated Matroids
1998 - 1998 離散凸解析の社会科学への展開
1997 - 1998 Research on visualization of the double exponential transformation
1997 - 1998 On the research and development of fast solvers arising in scientific computation
1996 - 1998 Theory of singular perturbations
1996 - 1998 Numerical Analysis of Evolution Systems
1997 - 1997 離散凸解析の研究
1996 - 1997 New Approaches to Scientific Computing and Applied Analysis
1996 - 1996 数理計画法における離散凸性の研究
1996 - 1996 Mathematical problems related to quantum chaos
1996 - 1996 Mathematical analysis and numerical computation of nonlinear partial differential equations
1995 - 1996 Developments of Advanced Optimization Systems Unitying Discrete and Continuous Approaches Associate
1995 - 1995 分岐の数値解析における精度保証の研究
1995 - 1995 代用電荷法に関する研究
1995 - 1995 非線形特異摂動現象の数学解析と数値計算
1993 - 1995 Research on Standardization of Mathematical Terms
1993 - 1995 Co-operative Research of General Purpose FORTRAN Graphic Software System for Scientific Computation
1994 - 1994 連立一次方程式に対する数値解法の誤差解析
1992 - 1994 Comprehensive Study on Fundamental and Applied Numerical Algorithms
1993 - 1993 組合せ理論と群表現論に基づく大規模システムの構造解析手法の研究
1993 - 1993 SINC関数近似に基づく数値計算アルゴリズムの研究
1991 - 1993 Statistical Law and Energy Transfer Mechanism in Turbulence
1992 - 1992 無限次元空間上の正則関数の総合的研究
1988 - 1990 Implementation and Development of Application of Fast Automatic Differentiation
1985 - 1987 Research on Programming Languages and Softwares for Automatic Calculation of Partial Derivatives and Rounding Error Estimates
K. Murota, A. Tamura. Note on Minkowski summation and unimodularity in discrete convex analysis. Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan. 2024. 67. 4. 126-134
Kazuo Murota, Akihisa Tamura. Decomposition of an integrally convex set into a Minkowski sum of bounded and conic integrally convex sets. Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics. 2023. 41. 2. 987-1011
Kazuo Murota, Akiyoshi Shioura. Note on minimization of quasi M-natural-convex functions. Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics. 2023. 41. 2. 857-880
Satoko Moriguchi, Kazuo Murota. Inclusion and intersection relations between fundamental classes of discrete convex functions,. Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan. 2023. 66. 3. 187-217