J-GLOBAL ID:201501012233533267
Update date: Aug. 31, 2020
keisuke ito
keisuke ito
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Affiliation and department:
Fujita Health University School of Medicine Faculty of Medicine
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Detailed information
MISC (7):
Joji Inamasu, Keisuke Ito, Keiko Sugimoto, Eiichi Watanabe, Yoko Kato, Yuichi Hirose. Cardiac wall motion abnormality associated with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage. International journal of cardiology. 2013. 168. 2. 1667-9
Joji Inamasu, Takeya Watabe, Tsukasa Ganaha, Yasuhiro Yamada, Shunsuke Nakae, Tatsuo Ohmi, Shuei Imizu, Takafumi Kaito, Keisuke Ito, Yuya Nishiyama, et al. Clinical characteristics and risk factors of chronic subdural haematoma associated with clipping of unruptured cerebral aneurysms. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE. 2013. 20. 8. 1095-1098
Joji Inamasu, Shunsuke Tanoue, Takeya Watabe, Shuei Imizu, Takafumi Kaito, Keisuke Ito, Natsuki Hattori, Yuya Nishiyama, Takuro Hayashi, Yoko Kato, et al. Early seizures after clipping of unruptured aneurysms of the anterior circulation: Analysis on consecutive 1,000 cases. Neurosurgical Review. 2013. 36. 3. 447-453
定藤章代, 早川基治, 田中鉄兵, 安達一英, 伊藤圭介, 稲桝丈司, 加藤庸子, 廣瀬雄一. 当施設でのくも膜下出血後の脳血管攣縮のmanagementおよび症候性脳血管攣縮および脳梗塞の発生頻度. 脳血管攣縮. 2013. 29. 62-65
Joji Inamasu, Keiko Sugimoto, Yasuhiro Yamada, Tsukasa Ganaha, Keisuke Ito, Takeya Watabe, Takuro Hayashi, Yoko Kato, Yukio Ozaki, Yuichi Hirose. The role of catecholamines in the pathogenesis of neurogenic pulmonary edema associated with subarachnoid hemorrhage. ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA. 2012. 154. 12. 2179-2185
Lectures and oral presentations (16):
(第19回日本脳神経外科救急学会総会 2014)
(日本脳神経外科学会 第72回学術総会 2013)
(第27回日本神経救急学会学術集会 2013)
(第84回日本脳神経外科学会中部支部学術集会 2013)
(日本脳神経外科学会 第71回学術総会 2012)
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