J-GLOBAL ID:201501017835730960
Update date: Apr. 08, 2020
Ono Satoru
オノ サトル | Ono Satoru
Research field (8):
Healthcare management, medical sociology
, Architectural and city planning
, Civil engineering (environmental systems)
, Safety engineering
, Social systems engineering
, Science education
, Environmental policy and society
, Environmental load/risk assessment
Research keywords (1):
Environmental Planning, Environmental Policy, Public Participation, Environmental Impact Assessment, Sustainability Assessment, Civil Society, Community, Risk Communication, Chemical Substance Risk, Radiation Risk, Risk Assessment
Papers (14):
小野聡, 木村道徳. 環境情報を踏まえた参加型計画プロセスの設計 -既存研究と高島市朽木地区における実践を踏まえた考察-. 環境科学会誌. 2019. 32. 2. 65-74
小野聡, 木村道徳, 上須道徳. トピックモデルを用いた住民の居住継続意図と地域への愛着を規定する要因抽出 -高島市朽木地区におけるアンケート調査を通して-. 京都歴史都市災害研究. 2019. 20. 13-21
Satoru ONO. A Future Scenario-Making Approach as an Instructional Method in Planning Education: The Japanese Context. Journal of Environmental Information Science. 2018. 2018. 1. 10-21
統計教育の設計における「数学信念」の応用に関する一考察 -立命館 大学政策科学部での実践を通して-. 立命館高等教育研究. 2017. 第18
Satoru ONO. Application of Geodesign to Impact Assessment in Japanese Public Facility Management. International Association of Impact Assessment Annual Conference 17. 2017
Books (2):
Neo-Simulation and Gaming Toward Active Learning (Translational Systems Sciences)
Springer 2019 ISBN:9789811380389
A Study on Effect of “Information Mismatch” Simulation on Victims’ Quality of Life and Sense of Place in the Post-Disaster Period
Springer 2019 ISBN:9789811380389
Lectures and oral presentations (8):
トピックモデルを用いた公聴会参加者の意見形成要因の抽出 -大学生を対象とした公聴会シミュレーション実験を通して-
(日本計画行政学会2018年度全国大会 2018)
Problem Formulation for Climate Change Adaptation in Japanese Heavy Snowfall Districts for Gaming-based Consensus Building
(49th ISAGA Conference 2018)
A Study on Quality of Life by “Information Mismatch” among Residents and Public Sector after Big Earthquake in Historical Cities Using Scenario Experiment -Construction of Gaming with Scenario-
(49th ISAGA Conference 2018)
Social Workers’ Roles in Climate Change Adaptation -A case study of adaptation to “extreme heavy snowfall” in Japanese society-
(RSAI 12th World Congress 2018)
気候変動適応策としての豪雪地域の克雪体制づくりにおける関係 者分析-滋賀県高島市を事例として
(環境情報科学センター 第14回ポスターセッション 2017)
Education (2):
- - 2011 Tokyo Institute of Technology Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering Department of Environmental Science and Technology
- - 2007 Tokyo Institute of Technology Faculty of Science Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Professional career (1):
- Doctor of Engineering (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Work history (5):
- 2015/04/01 - Assistant Professor, Ritsumeikan Univ.
- 2014/04/01 - 2015/03/31 Post Doctoral Researcher, Toho Univ.
- 2013/04/01 - 2014/03/31 Project Researcher, IGES
- 2013/04/01 - 2014/03/31 Post Doctoral Researcher, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- 2011/10/01 - 2013/03/31 Post Doctoral Researcher (PD), JSPS
Committee career (4):
- 2015/05 - Japan Association for Planning and Public Management A manager for JAPA Planning Award
- 2015/05 - 日本計画行政学会 日本計画行政学会「計画賞」幹事
- 2009/04 - Japan Association for Planning and Public Management Steering Committee of JAPA & SSI Youth Conference
- 2009/04 - 日本計画行政学会 若手研究交流会実行委員会
Awards (2):
- 2015 - 環境情報科学センター ポスターセッション一般部門 理事長賞
- 2009 - 日本計画行政学会 若手研究交流会 優秀賞
Association Membership(s) (7):
, International Simulation and Gaming Association
, Regional Science Association International
, 日本地域学会
, Center for Environmental Information Science
, International Association for Impact Assessment
, Japan Association for Planning and Public Management
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