J-GLOBAL ID:201501019960953567
Update date: Aug. 16, 2024
Ohtaka Mizuka
オオタカ ミズカ | Ohtaka Mizuka
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Social psychology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
- 2018 - 2025 Attempts to intervene to promote fathers' participation in childcare and mothers' participation in society
Papers (15):
Mizuka Ohtaka. Correlation between emerging adults’ marital attitudes and their attitudes towards their parents. Yamanashi Gakuin Law Review. 2021. 87. 385-394
Mizuka Ohtaka. Evaluating the effectiveness of exposure to counterstereotypic fathers on reducing implicit father and mother stereotypes in Japan. Psychology Applications & Developments. 2020. VI. 67-72
Mizuka Ohtaka. Content of the father and mother stereotypes in Japan: Compared to the overall gender stereotypes. Psychology Applications & Developments. 2019. V. 181-189
Mizuka Ohtaka. How do emerging adult children read their parents’ minds?. Psychology Applications & Developments. 2018. IV. 140-147
Mizuka Ohtaka, Kaori Karasawa. Perspective-taking in families based on the social relations model. THE JAPANESE JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY. 2018. 58. 2. 111-115
Books (6):
やってみよう! 実証研究入門-心理・行動データの収集・分析・レポート作成を楽しもう
ナカニシヤ出版 2022 ISBN:4779514452
Designing Positive Psychology
2021 ISBN:9784571250576
政治行政入門 新版
公人の友社 2017 ISBN:4875558058
社会心理学 過去から未来へ
北大路書房 2015 ISBN:4762829072
対人関係の心理学 -社会心理学でのぞく心の仕組み- (ぐっと身近に人がわかる)
技術評論社 2011 ISBN:4774145815
Education (4):
- 2006 - 2010 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology
- 2004 - 2006 The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology
- 2003 - 2004 Osaka University Graduate School of Human Sciences
- 1999 - 2003 Osaka University Faculty of Human Sciences
Professional career (1):
Work history (3):
- 2022/04 - 現在 Toyo University Faculty of Sociology Department of Social Psychology
- 2013/04 - 2022/03 Yamanashi Gakuin University Faculty of Law
- 2010/04 - 2013/03 Yamanashi Gakuin University Faculty of Law
Committee career (3):
- 2023/04 - 2025/03 日本社会心理学会 理事
- 2019/11 - 2023/10 日本心理学会 認定心理士資格認定委員会委員
- 2017/09 - 2017/10 日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会 第64回大会準備委員会委員
Awards (1):
- 2013/02 - 東京大学社会科学研究所 2012年度社会調査・データアーカイブ研究センター優秀論文賞
Association Membership(s) (3):
, 日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会
, 日本社会心理学会
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