Research field (5):
Environmental policy and society
, Environmental materials/recycling technology
, Recycling systems and society
, Environmental dynamics
, Atmospheric and hydrospheric science
Research theme for competitive and other funds (32):
2016 - 2019 Health effect evaluation and measures planning of PM2.5 using sensor technology
2013 - 2016 Development of ozone sensor for environmental monitoring and its application to ozone pollution with various scale
2009 - 2011 The climate effects by the change of the short-lived atmospheric fine particles with pollution-abatement measures in China
2007 - 2009 Development of the system to disclose the spatial distribution of aerosol absorption coefficients in real time
2005 - 2007 Research of Contaminated Aerosol Distribution by Artificial Satellite and Evaluation of the Aerosol Effect on Climate in the East Asia
2004 - 2007 Study on the role of aerosols in polar atmosphere and aerosol-cloud interaction obtained by comparative airborne observations in the Arctic and Antarctic
2003 - 2004 Risk estimation from urban air pollution based on Diesel Exhaust Partide (DEP) measurement
1999 - 2004 北極域対流圏・成層圏物質の変動と気候影響
2001 - 2003 Measurement of chemical species in atmospheric aerosol with high time resolution by continuous
2000 - 2001 Anthropogenic Emissions of Reduced Sulfur Compounds from Municipal Landfill sanitary sites
1999 - 2001 Climatic imopact of aerosol,ozone and cloud in the Arctic
1999 - 2001 Study on the complex process between cloud physics and cloud chemistry related to global warming and acidification using quasi-real-scale artificial cloud
2000 - 2000 多成分粒子系エアロゾルモデルの放射特性の評価
1999 - 1999 放射影響評価のための多成分粒子系エアロゾルモデルの構築
1997 - 1999 Real Scale Experiment of Pollution and Modification of Cloud by using a Vertical Shaft.
1997 - 1999 Research on Air Pollution and Evaluation of the Environmental Effects in Siberian Wetland.
1998 - 1998 化学組成分析に基づく対流圏エアロゾルの放射特性の評価
1997 - 1998 1つ1つの雲粒に含まれる化学種解明のためのサンプリング・分析手法の開発
1997 - 1998 Anthropogenic Emissions of Reduced Sulfur Compounds from Waste Water Facilities and Landfills in Sapporo
1996 - 1996 実験室スケールでの雲の生成とそのキャラクタリゼーション
1994 - 1996 Evaluation of effect of suppresion due to increase of anthropogenic aerosols on the global warming
1995 - 1995 雲内における土壌粒子エアロゾルの雲粒内・雲粒間分布
1995 - 1995 PANの濃度変動からみた東アジア地域からの窒素酸化物の流出
1994 - 1995 Assessment of Urban Air Pollution in Siberian Wetland
1993 - 1993 ネットワーク構造をもつ光触媒による小分子有機物の活性化
1993 - 1993 PANの測定による対流圏光化学反応過程の評価
1992 - 1992 東アジア地域における硫黄酸化物の収支
1991 - 1991 人為起源大気エアロゾルの増加が地球温暖化に及ぼす影響の評価
1991 - 1991 東アジア地域を対象とした酸性雨モデルの開発
1990 - 1990 東アジア地域における汚染物質の長距離輸送過程の解析
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Papers (26):
OKADA Kazuya, YAMAGATA Sadamu. Feasibility study of local @roduction and consumption of wood biomass by a small combined heat and power equipment. Journal of Natural Energy Research, Hokkaido. 2022. 16. 1. 17-25
YAMAGATA Sadamu, Ohsawa Toshinobu, Fukazawa Tatsuya. Snow-melt experiment by the air supplied from the bottom of piled anow. Journal of Natural Energy Research, Hokkaido. 2022. 16. 1. 5-15
山形 定. 北海道における木質バイオマス利用. 北海道における脱炭素社会に向けた取組み. 2021
YAMAGATA Sadamu. The Potential of Snow and Ice Cold Heat Utilization in Hokkaido. JUMIN TO JICHI MONTHLY. 2021. 699. 20-22
YAMAGATA Sadamu, OHSAWA Toshinobu, YONETA Naoji, TATEKURA Yuhki, KOBAYASHI Yukai. Installation and trial operation of an snow-melting system using air warmed by a wood stove at a snow falling area from roof. Journal of Natural Energy Research, Hokkaido. 2021. 15. 1. 15-24